Praise is a good way to encourage feelings of gratitude and kindness. Check out some examples starting with C to use in the classroom.

We can say that the compliments they belong to the class of adjectives, since their function is to characterize people, objects, places and situations. However, unlike criticism, they are used to extol the qualities of something or someone.
The compliments can be used in apprenticeship of children, besides being a good way to stimulate feelings of gratitude and kindness in the classroom.
there are several praise with the letter C in the Portuguese language. Check out the main examples below.
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Cheers with the letter C
- full
- appropriate
- falling
- shut up
- calm
- warm
- comrade
- candid
- able
- neat
- capricious
- charitable
- tender
- charismatic
- charitable
- expensive
- House made
- chaste
- casual
- categorical
- captivating
- cautious
- Knight
- heavenly
- centered
- right
- right
- skeptical
- charming
- full
- fragrant
- chic
- jocular
- shocking
- aware
- scientific
- circumspect
- civic
- civil
- civilized
- clairvoyant
- clear
- classic
- forgiving
- coherent
- cohesive
- coincident
- collaborator
- collective
- colorful
- colossal
- measured
- comic
- convenient
- heart touching
- pitying
- companion
- compassionate
- compatible
- competent
- competitive
- complacent
- complete
- complex
- behaved
- understanding
- long
- communicative
- reconcilable
- concrete
- trusting
- reliable
- confident
- knowledgeable
- conscientious
- conscious
- consistent
- constant
- happy
- continuous
- convenient
- convinced
- cooperator
- brave
- friendly
- right
- polite
- cosmic
- skull
- credible
- believer
- grown
- creative
- crystalline
- insightful
- believable
- crucial
- careful
- cult
- cultural
- abiding
- healed
- curious
- like
- I enjoy
Read too:
- Cheers with the letter A
- Cheers with the letter B
- Cheers with the letter D
- Cheers with the letter E
- Praise with the letter F
- Praise with the letter G
- Praise with the letter H
- Praise with the letter I
- Cheers with the letter J
- Cheers with the letter K
- Compliments with the letter L
- Cheers with the letter M
- Compliments with the letter N
- Cheers with the letter O
- Praise with the letter P
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- Cheers with the letter Y
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