Writing Tips: Creating the Title

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Have you ever stopped to think about how much the title of writing is important? This is the first element that the reader has contact with, so it is very important that it be objective, accurate and, mainly interesting, after all, the first impression usually marks a lot, isn't it true?

Who has never bought a book just because they were attracted to its name? How many times have you, when browsing the internet, clicked on that link just because you found the title of the article super interesting? Many, isn't it? Yeah, so never underestimate the importance of the title for an essay. To help you with the elaboration of this important element of the text's structure, Escola Kids has prepared five writing tips that will be useful in your daily life as a student. Shall we follow them? Enjoy your reading and good studies!

How to create a title?

1. The title should summarize the theme of the essay:

A good title should summarize the subject that will be covered in the text. For this, you must be objective, that is, do not create long titles or that deliver too much content in the essay. Give your reader clues, make them feel interested in reading your ideas. If your essay is submitted for evaluation, you should be even more careful, as a good title shows to the broker that you understood the suggested proposal correctly.

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2. No long sentences!

Long sentences are against objectivity and, as we saw in the first tip, this is one of the elements you should consider when creating a title. To do this, avoid going over a line and use a maximum of three words. There are exceptions, but most of the time this tip works!

3. Your title doesn't need to have a verb

A title can be made up of sentences or expressions, that is, sentences that do not need a verb to express their full meaning. The title does not live only by subject and predicate, bet on creativity!

4. Creativity always!

Being creative when creating a title is very important, because as we discussed in the first tip, the title is the gimmick for the text. If your title isn't interesting enough, the reader will likely not be interested, and all your work will have gone down the drain. Creativity goes very well with the speech figures, there's nothing to stop you from using this amazing resource in the Portuguese language. Also, you can abuse intertextuality (create a dialogue between the title and the books that read, movies you watched etc.), as well as quotes, as long as they are in quotation marks, Combined?

5. Period, capital letters, blank line:

The period should only appear in a title if it is a clause, that is, if there is a verb in it, otherwise, do not use the sign. Capital letters are also prohibited. They should only be used for proper names and the initial letter of the title. The blank line is a matter of aesthetics: many people ask whether or not to skip a line between the title and the first paragraph of text. You can choose, but skipping a line makes the text, so to speak, more organized and beautiful. However, if there is a limit of lines, avoid wasting them, right?

Take the opportunity to check out our video lesson related to the subject:


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