Phrase, prayer and period concept.

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Before we start talking about these three elements, let's remember the differences that exist between orality (speech) and writing. In speech, often, depending on what we are talking about, just one word is enough for us to understand what the interlocutor (the person we are talking to) wants to say to us. In writing this does not happen, as we will only be able to understand the message if the words are clearly and precisely arranged.
And the way they present themselves in a text, an advertisement, a poster or whatever the textual genre, is always through sentences, sentences or periods. So, if we read something related to the examples below, we would understand perfectly. Note:

Now we will know their characteristics. For this, we will study each one in a particular way. So let's go!!!
Phrase - It is all communication endowed with meaning. Like for example:
What a delicious ice cream!
In addition to being able to understand the message, we also noticed another aspect that is part of it: It does not contain verb!

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Thus, a sentence may or may not have a verb. When it has, it is called verbal. And when not, it is called nominal.

Prayer - It is every utterance (something said) that is built around a verb. As the example shows us:
Mom is furious.
Here we are able to perfectly interpret it and we still see the presence of the verb to be (is).
Time course - It is every utterance that consists of one or more clauses. As:
I need to study for the evaluations, because soon I will be on vacation.
We realized that the utterance, in addition to being clear, also has the verb to study and the verb to be (I will be).
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
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