Differences between numeral and indefinite article

Before we start one more learning experience, imagine yourself in this situation:

Behold, in a prayer both are present: "UM" playing the role of indefinite article and "UM" acting as numeral. We ask you: how do we identify now one, now the other if, apparently, they are the same?

Did he feel embarrassed? Let's take a few examples, therefore:

The differences established between “a” numeral and “an” indefinite article are demarcated by specific lines

In the amusement park there were A unknown boy.

I just need A reason to understand what happened.

Now, in the first statement, we need to understand that the sender's intention (the person who speaks) was to indicate the species of the being, that is, it is a boy (expressed in males), not from a girl.

We affirm, for this reason, that the highlighted term is characterized as a indefinite article.

In the second statement, the idea of ​​quantity becomes evident, mainly because the highlighted term is accompanied by the term “only”. Thus, when the terms "only one" or "only one" appear in the sentence, the classification that we must attribute to the word "one" will always be that of


Probably you, from now on, won't have difficulty distinguishing them, isn't it?

Take the opportunity to check out our video lesson related to the subject:

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