Figures of speech. Characteristics of figures of speech

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How about we reflect together on some aspects? Rest assured that the conclusions we will reach will only make it easier for you to learn about another subject of such importance: the figures of speech.

In this sense, when it comes to news, a report, what would be the purpose expressed by the message contained in them? Ah! Simple, isn't it? The main objective of the language used in both textual genres is simply to INFORM. Thinking this way, do you agree that the speech should be objective, accurate? Obviously yes, because whoever seeks information needs something that is clear, that tries to report the facts as they really happened, in short, he will have to make use of the denotative language, that is, the language in which words are evidenced according to the sense expressed by the dictionary, according to the original sense.

Now, let's think a little more: what resource does an advertiser use to “sell” his product? Do you agree that the more he tries to attract the reader's “eyes”, the more chances he will have to materialize his proposals? Of course, and for that reason, he will be able to make use of the call

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connotative language.

Well, these two examples were just so that you could understand that the main characteristic expressed in the figures of speech is really this possibility of the sender to work the language, considering the effect he wants to obtain through the communication of which participates.

Language worked in a different way, in a more creative way: figures of speech
Language worked in a different way, in a more creative way: figures of speech

So, for this effect of meaning to be proven in practice, he (the sender) says what he wants in a different way, in an innovative, creative way. Thus, it is now worth noting that more than one interpretation can be attributed to a given speech, as there is no it is more about an objective language, but rather a subjective language, through which the message is being passed on.

So to speak, we affirm that the figures of speech are present as a result of the intentions that one wants to give regarding the semantic aspect, that is, the one related to the meaning, as for the sound aspect, this is the one related to the sound they produce when they are emitted, and, finally, as for the variations that operate from the syntactic structures contained in the words. It should be understood that by these aspects the figures of speech are demarcated by:

# Pictures of words or semantics

# Construction or syntactic figures;

# Sound or harmony figures.

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