How do the syllables separate?

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Surely you must already keep in mind that the “rr” and the “ss” cannot be together, because since we started our student life, we learned that way. However, when you reach the end of the line (or even at the time of those exercises, you know?), doubts will certainly arise.

And as you know, we can't have them, because when it comes to written language, we need to have knowledge enough for us to write correctly, in order to follow all the steps determined by this modality (a writing). So why not cite the way in which the syllables are separated if it also represents one of these steps?

Know that there is a specific way to separate them, so we need to be careful!!!

But don't worry, from now on we'll learn a little more about this subject, so just stay “on” and you'll learn everything in an instant. Let's go then?

The digraphs “ch”, “nh”, “lh”, “gu” and “qu” belong to a single syllable. So no separating them, okay?




The letters that form the digraphs “rr”, “ss”, “sc”, “sç”, “xs”, and “xc” cannot be close together. So, separate them.

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ex - ce - tion

go down...
The diphthongs and tritongues must belong to a single syllable. So don't forget this: never separate them.
fei - xe



Uru – yah...

The same is not true of gaps, as they cannot stay together in a single syllable.


lu - the



Consonant clusters that occur in internal syllables should not stay together, unless the second consonant is "l" or "r".

flu - ta (they remained together, as the second letter is represented by the "l")

to - to (the same occurs with this example)

ap - to

ab - do - mem

cir - ass - lo...

But beware! Don't forget that some consonant groups start words, so they shouldn't be separated. As is the case for:

tire - mo - ni - a

tire – bad – you – co

psi - co - lo - go...
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