Subject's Indeterminacy Index

The particle “if” has several functions within the Portuguese language, however, today, only its role as Subject's Indeterminacy Index. But before knowing the characteristics of this function, it is necessary to review the definition of subject and indeterminate subject. See below:

The prayer (utterance organized from a verb or a verbal phrase) is divided into Subject (word or set of words about who declares something) and Predicate (everything that is said about the subject), so these terms are considered essential to the sentence, as they make up its basic structure.

The subject can be expressed in the clause (determined), it can not appear (sentenceless clause) or it can be present in the clause in a “form hidden" (implicit), characterizing the indeterminate subject, as it cannot be determined by prayer, only by context (situation). Follow the examples:

  1. They hit the owner of the supermarket.
  2. They came in late.
  3. Attendants needed.
  4. These are delicate situations.
  5. They are demanding your pronouncement.

Note that in all the examples the subject is “hidden”, this happens when one does not want to or cannot determine it. One might think: but how to know when the subject is indeterminate? Rest assured, it's very simple.

  • The first characteristic has already been mentioned, when the subject no it is determined, i.e, when this one doesn't appear in the prayer;
  • Grammatically, the indeterminate subject is marked by the presence of the verb in the 3rd person plural, but beware, the verb needs to be in the 3rd person plural without a subject expressed in the clause. See the examples:
  1. They arrested the gang.
  2. The police arrested the gang.

In both examples, the verbs are in the third person plural, aren't they? However, only example 1 is of an indeterminate subject, as only the context (situation) can express the agent of the action. In example 2, although the verb is in the 3rd person plural, it cannot be considered indeterminate, as it has a defined subject (The police).

  • The subject will also be indeterminate when intransitive, indirect transitive, and connecting verbs are used beside the “if” particle. In this case, this particle will have the syntactic function of Subject's Indeterminacy Index. Below is a quick review of the cited verbs:
  • Intransitive Verb (V.I): verb that does not need a complement, as it already has a full meaning.

The rain reach earlier this year.

  • Indirect transitive verb (V.T.I): it needs a complement (indirect object) and this one comes with a preposition.

Me necessary much from you.

  • linking verb (V.L): composes the nominal predicate or verb-nominal and serves as a link between the subject and the subject's predicative.

The House é cozy.

Follow the examples that indicate that the “if” particle is the Subject's Indeterminacy Index:

People live well in Goiás.

Sellers needed.

One was happy.

Heads up! Practical ways to recognize the Subject Indeterminacy Index:

  1. When the “if” is the Subject's Indeterminacy Index, the verb will always be in the 3rd person singular;
  2. THE “if” particle it only receives this classification if the verbs are intransitive, indirect transitive, and linking;
  3. There will be no verbal inflection, that is, the verb will not have to agree with the subject simply fact that there is no determined subject, that is, the subject does not appear, so there is no way to agree with he.

So, when recognizing the function of “if” as Subject's Indeterminacy Index, do not forget to analyze the type of verb that is accompanying it and if there is no subject in the sentence.

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