Coordinating conjunctions. Characteristics of coordinated conjunctions

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Surely the term “conjunctions” is nothing new for you, is it? Well, you don't remember the text "conjunctions”? If not, it's worth accessing it again. Well, so far we understand that conjunctions serve to link terms in a particular clause, but what we don't know is that they receive different classifications.

For this reason, from now on, we will know a little more about them, which are also part of the grammatical classes – the conjunctions. First, we will study only one of their classifications: the coordinates. But first of all, we need to know why they are called that. Pay attention to the following details:

Peter is kind and intelligent.

We realize that there it is, all beautiful: the conjunction “and”. Therefore, continuing our understanding, we will have to recall some concepts related to the subject and the predicate. For this, please note:

If we were to unfold this prayer that served us as an example, transforming it into two, we would obtain:

Peter is kind.
Peter is smart.

Now, in both prayers we are talking about Peter, is it not? Yes, he is then the subject of both. Another aspect is that in addition to perceiving the subject, we know that there is a predicate, that is: he is kind / he is intelligent.

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When this happens, we say that the two have all the elements to make them fully meaningful. And that's exactly why they're called coordinates, that is, they don't depend on each other for anything, they're powerful – independent.

Therefore, according to the idea they express, which they reveal, they are divided into:

Coordinated conjunctions receive different classifications 

Additives – express an idea of ​​addition. To represent them, we present the conjunctions "and", "neither" and "but also":

Peter is kind and intelligent.
You get the idea of ​​addition, addition.

Adversatives – They give an opposite, opposite idea. They are usually represented by the conjunctions "however, but nevertheless, however", among others:

I couldn't attend the birthday, but I sent the gift.

Here we have the opposite idea: the person, even not attending the party, sent the gift.

Alternatives – Reveal an idea of ​​alternation or exclusion, that is, one thing or another or just one of them. They are represented by the conjunctions "or... or", "well... now":

Either you keep quiet or you will have to leave.
Either you or she stay to present the work.

Explanatory – As the name itself reveals, they indicate an idea of ​​explanation, justification. The conjunctions that represent them are "because", "because", "that" and "because":

I didn't attend class because I wasn't feeling very well.

We realized that this is a justification, revealing the reason for not attending the class.

Concluding – Give an idea of ​​conclusion. They are represented by the conjunctions "logo", "therefore", "because", "therefore":

She is very polite, so everyone admires her.

We concluded that everyone admires her because she is very polite.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Coordinating conjunctions. Characteristics of coordinated conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions. Characteristics of coordinated conjunctions

Surely the term “conjunctions” is nothing new for you, is it? Well, you don't remember the text ...

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