Silting. The problem of silting up rivers

O silting it is a problem that affects rivers and causes them to be altered and, in extreme cases, even extinct. But to understand what this term means, we first need to find out what the sediments.

Sediments are particles of rock resulting from their decomposition into small parts, such as dust, loose soil and even sand. When a rock is turned into sediment, we call this process sedimentation, which is usually caused by the action of water and wind.

Sedimentation, on the other hand, is nothing more than the accumulation of these sediments at the bottom of rivers more intensely. In more popular language, we could say that it is when rivers “fill up” with earth, which brings numerous problems, such as deviation from its course, the formation of sandbanks, among others factors.

And what causes siltation?

Usually, silting happens naturally, but it is very slow and causes almost no damage to the rivers. The problem is when human practices contribute to intensifying or accelerating this process, which happens mainly when there is deforestation of riverbanks.

The forests that are found on these banks perform the function of “holding” or fixing the soil, preventing water from the river itself and rain from causing erosion in these places. When these trees are removed by humans, the soil is unprotected and the erosion process takes place, generating more and more sediments that cause the silting process.

Look at the image below! See how sediments have accumulated and altered its margins.

River with its banks modified by silting
River with its banks modified by silting

The consequences of silting, as we have already said, are many. One of them is the formation of “sand banks” along water courses. In other cases, as in the image above, the rivers have their course changed. It also happens, in some situations, that there is an increase in the volume of water, as the earth or sand “mixes” with it, which can even cause floods.

Therefore, we must always be attentive and concerned about the environment. To preserve the rivers, we need to conserve their banks and prevent them from being deforested, so that the sedimentation process is lessened and silting is not a problem.

This river is at an advanced stage of silting *

* Image credits: Michael C. Rygel / Wikimedia Commons

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

Silting. The problem of silting up rivers

Silting. The problem of silting up rivers

O silting it is a problem that affects rivers and causes them to be altered and, in extreme cases...

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