Thermometers that measure the temperature and humidity of the air. Thermometer

In order to measure the temperature of the environment or body temperature, a thermometer is used.

The air temperature is what makes us feel more or less hot during the day. In the morning, there is a lower temperature that increases throughout the day, and at nightfall the temperature drops again. In cities we can see thermometers that measure the temperature during the day and at night.

Thermometer used to measure the temperature in the city

There are other types of thermometers. Some of them can be used to measure our body temperature: when we are sick and feel fever, we can measure our body temperature with a thermometer. There are several types of thermometers, but they all measure body temperature in the same way.

Thermometers used to measure body temperature

In Figure 1 we can see a mercury thermometer. It is a clinical thermometer that has mercury (liquid metal) inside. When the thermometer is exposed to a high temperature, the liquid inside it expands, informing the temperature of that body. Many people do not like to use it because it is made of glass and because mercury is a toxic metal. Direct contact with mercury is harmful to health. In Figure 2, we can see a digital thermometer that measures body temperature through a measurement sensor at its end. This type of thermometer is more expensive than mercury thermometers. Both thermometers are very useful when the intention is to measure body temperature.

Temperature is closely linked to the humidity of the air, and the two vary. The air can be wetter or drier. When the air is too dry, the humidity in the air is too low and we feel a dry throat, uncomfortable breathing, discomfort and even headaches. When the air is wetter, the humidity is higher and we can see clouds in the sky and better air to breathe. When the humidity is higher, it means that there is more water vapor present in the atmosphere and it can rain. When humidity is low, it means that there is little water vapor in the atmosphere and the climate will be without rain, and there may often be forest fires.

Differences in temperature and humidity

Just as some thermometers measure air humidity, it can also be measured by a device called a hygrometer.

Hygrometer used to measure air humidity

Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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