Ruth Rocha's magical world

Some writers are part of our lives, aren't they? You've certainly heard of Ruth Rocha, one of the biggest and best-known authors of books on children's literature in the country, along with names like Monteiro Lobato, Ana Maria Machado, Tatiana Belinky, Pedro Bandeira, between others. Ruth is one of those writers who cross generations and for over forty years has united grandparents, parents and grandchildren in a single universe.

Ruth Rocha Biography

Ruth Machado Lousada Rocha was born in São Paulo on March 2, 1931. She graduated in Political and Social Sciences at the University of São Paulo and completed a postgraduate degree in Educational Guidance, having worked at important institutions such as Colégio Rio Branco. In 1968, she started to collaborate in the education section of the magazine Claudia and, later, in the magazine playground, a publication aimed at children. In 1973 she assumed the editorial direction of the Division of Children and Youth of Editora Abril and, in 1976, she launched her most famous book, Marcelo, Quince, Hammer and Other Stories.

The book tells the story of Marcelo, a very curious boy who keeps trying to understand the meaning of things

In 1989, she signed the children's version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations (UN), whose title is Equal and Free, work that has already been adapted to nine different languages.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an adaptation made for children by Ruth Rocha and Otavio Roth

Since 2007 Ruth has been a member of the São Paulo Academy of Letters. In its curriculum, more than 200 books that have sold more than 12 million copies! If you were curious and want to know the stories of the magical world of Ruth Rocha, check out the author's main titles and enjoy reading!

Children and Youth

Words, Many Words - 1976
Sapo-Vira-Rei-Vira-Sapo or A Volta do Reizinho Mandão - 1983
Marcelo's Book of Numbers - 1986
Ox, Cattle, Cattle - 1987
Blue and Gorgeous: Planet Earth, Our Home - 1990
The Spring of the Caterpillar - 1990
One Thousand and One Nights Stories - 1991
The Book of Writing - 1992
The Magic Flute - 1994
Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 1995
The Blue Beard - 1996
The Bremen Musicians - 1996
What is it for? - 1996
Can You Do It? - 1996
Behind the Door - 1997
The Thing - 1997
Hansel and Gretel - 1997
Good morning, all colors! - 1998
Cinderella of the Dolls - 1998
The Things People Say - 1998
Hourly... - 1998
Joãozinho and the Peanut Foot - 1998
The Beto Tree - 1999
The Crazy Machine - 1999
The Boy Who Almost Died Drowned in Garbage - 1999
Elephant? - 2000
Romeo and Juliet - 2000
It's been a long time - 2001
Davi Attacks Again - 2002
The Easter Bunny - 2003
Two Idiots Sitting on Their Barrels Each... - 2003
On the way to Alvinho Had a Stone - 2004
Little Mozart - 2005
The Girl Who Wasn't Crazy - 2006
The Firefighter Monkey - 2006
The Day Miguel Was Very Sad - 2006
I'm the One in My Mouth – 2007

*The image that illustrates the article was taken from book covers by author Ruth Rocha.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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