Literature and Mother's Day

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As is already a tradition in our country, the Mothers Day it is celebrated on the second Sunday of the month of May. But do you know the origin of this very special date? O kids school investigated for you!

The date is celebrated all over the world, but in Brazil it was created by decree in 1932 by the then president of the republic, Getulio Vargas. Many people think that Mother's Day is just a ploy to boost sales in the commerce, but it wasn't always like that. Greeks and Romans, back in classical antiquity, already had the custom of honoring the mother of their gods and, later, in the century XVI, the English gave their mothers gifts on the fourth Sunday of Lent, period between Ash Wednesday and Sunday of Easter. Only then was the date transferred to the month of May and only later did we start to associate the day with the almost obligatory nature of buying a present for the mothers.

We all know the importance of mothers in our lives and, for this reason, we must honor the one who gave us life every day, not just on a specific date. Maternal love is such a deep feeling that many poets, painters and other artists have tried to decipher it in verse, paintings, sculptures and other artistic manifestations. In Brazilian literature, beautiful verses were written in honor of mothers. To prove that literature and Mother's Day are all about, we selected for you some poems about mothers written by Brazilian poets. You can now prepare paper and pen to copy and make a nice little card, what do you think? Good reading!

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There are only three letters,
Those of that blessed name:
Three little letters, nothing more...
And in them fits the infinite
And such a small word - even the atheists confess -
you are the size of the sky
And just smaller than God!

Mario Quintana

Celebrated on the second Sunday in May, Mother's Day can be celebrated with care, love and art

the sick boy

for the boy 
sleep peacefully,
sitting beside you
Mommy sings:
— "Dodoi, go away!
"Leave my little boy,
"Sleeps... sleeps... my.. ."

Fatigue dead,
She fell asleep.
So, on her shoulder,
A figure of a saint,
In the same song,
In the same voice as her,
leans over and sings:
— 'Sleep, my love.
"Sleep, my darling... "

And the boy sleeps.

Manuel Bandeira

why God allows
that mothers leave?
Mom has no limit,
it's time without time,
light that doesn't go out
when the wind blows
and rain falls,
hidden velvet
on wrinkled skin,
pure water, pure air,
dying happens
with what is brief and passes
without leaving a trace.
Mother, in your grace,
it's eternity.
why God remembers
- deep mystery -
to take it out one day?
Were I King of the World,
lowered a law:
Mother never dies,
mother will always stay
with your son
and he, old though,
will be small
made from corn grain.

Çarlos Drummond de Andrade

Maternal love is the subject of several poems. In Brazil, several poets wrote about the love of mother and child


She owns everything,
She is the queen of the home,
She's worth more to me,
That the sky, that the earth, that the sea,
She is the most beautiful word,
That one day the poet wrote,
She is the treasure that the poor,
From the hands of you received,
Mom, Mom, Mom,
You are the reason for my days,
You are made of love and hope,
oh oh oh mommy
I grew the way I lost
I come back to you and I feel like a child
mom, mom, mom,
I remind you slipper on your hand,
The apron is all dirty with eggs,
If I could,
I wanted mommy again,
start all over again
Herivelto Martins

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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