Proteins are made up of amino acids, which can be produced by our body or must be

You've probably already heard about proteins. But do you know what they are, what they are for and where they are found? In this text we will learn more about this substance!

Proteins are substances that form all living beings. From microscopic to large organisms animals and plants, all depend on proteins for their development and growth.

Proteins perform the most varied functions: they help in the structural formation of organisms, act in cell metabolism, help transport substances, act on muscle contraction, also constitute antibodies, which defend our body, form some hormones, among others important actions. Among the main known proteins, we can mention hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen in the Red Cells, and keratin, which is present in our nails and hair.

Proteins are made up of molecules called amino acids, which are linked by bonds known as polypeptides. There are only twenty amino acids, which combine differently and form all the different known proteins.

Some amino acids are produced by our body, others are not, and these are acquired by us through food intake. Those amino acids that our body is capable of producing are called natural, whereas those that we remove from

food are called essential.

Vegetarians need to combine vegetables well to get all the essential amino acids

These amino acids that humans do not normally produce are found in animal proteins such as eggs, milk, cheese and meat. Foods that contain all the essential amino acids are called complete. Some foods, however, do not have all the essential amino acids and are called incomplete, which is the case with vegetables and some seeds.

Although plant-based foods generally do not have all of the essential amino acids, they are fundamental to our health, mainly because they provide fiber. A varied diet, with vegetables and animal products, guarantees all the amino acids our body needs. It is noteworthy, however, that vegetarian people can get all the essential amino acids eating only vegetables, just pay attention to the combinations.

Curiosity: A dish with rice and beans has all the essential amino acids for humans.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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