Kangaroos: characteristics, species, gestation and curiosities

You kangaroos are animals mammals, of the group of marsupials, who enchant for their beauty and stand out for their ability to perform big leaps. They are typical animals of the australian fauna and are part of the same family as the tree kangaroos, wallabies, wallaroos and pademelons.


Kangaroos are mammalian animals that are part of the group of marsupials, that is, they are part of a group that is characterized by have puppies too early, which complete their development during the period of breast-feeding. Many species of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, have a type of handbag call marsupium, where the puppy ends its development.

Kangaroos, like all mammals, have fur, which are characterized by being thick it's from varied color, which ranges from gray to brown, depending on the species being studied. It is usually considered as kangaroos four species like Macropus.

Kangaroos are animals that are part of the family Macropodidae, this family that receives such a name due to the

big feet of its representatives. Kangaroos, in addition to their large feet, have large, well-developed hind legs. This animal's strong legs are essential to ensure a proper jump.

Kangaroos also have a big tail. This tail is important for them to be able to guarantee their balance at the moment of the jump. Furthermore, the tail of these animals works as a fifth member, when they are moving more slowly.

Kangaroos present habitstwilight and nocturnal, therefore, are most active during that part of the day. These animals are herbivores and they feed on a wide variety of plant species. Can be found in groups.

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The development of the chicks is completed inside the marsupium.

After birth, which happens very prematurely, the cub climbs the mother's fur until it reaches the pouch or the baby carrier. When it reaches the bag, it starts feeding with the milk. As, in the beginning, the kangaroo cannot suck the milk, it is pumped by the mother, through muscle contractions.

Kangaroos remain in the bag until they complete their development. When they complete, approximately, four months, starts your world exploration leaving, briefly, to feed and, later, returning to the bag. with about 10 months to a year, they are able to get out of the bag and live the way independent of mothers.

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Kangaroos are currently considered four species distinct, which are part of the genre Macropus. The four species are: red kangaroo, oriental gray kangaroo, western gray kangaroo and kangaroo antilopine. Next, we'll talk a little more about each of them:

The red kangaroo is the largest species of marsupial in the world.

  • Red kangaroo (Macropus rufus): is one of the species best known of kangaroo. This stands out for being the greatest living marsupial of the Earth, reaching about two meters long (including tail) and tall and weighing about 90 kg. it's kind endemic of Australia, being observed its distribution by arid regions and semiarid.

The Eastern Gray Kangaroo is found in Australia and Tasmania.

  • Eastern Gray Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus): is found in Australia and also in the Tasmania. This species is night and it tends to form large groups in places where food is found in large quantities. The male can even reach 1.8 meter tall, the females are smaller, with about 1.2 meter.

This species is mainly found in South Australia.

  • Western gray kangaroo(Macropus fuliginosus): widely distributed by South region from Australia, this species is found in various types of habitat, being also observed its presence, in forest areas and even pasture, in the North region from Australia.

The antilopine kangaroo is often found in large groups.

  • Antlopine kangaroo(Macropus antilopinus): is found in groups that can contain about 30 animals. It is found in areas of Forest, savanna and pasture.


  1. a kangaroo, at birth, may present about 2.5 centimeters. This is the approximate size of a grape.

  2. The female kangaroo is capable of get pregnant while still breastfeeding a puppy in the bag.

  3. The biggest marsupial in the world is the red kangaroo, which can reach two meters high.

  4. THE tail of the red kangaroo may present about a meter of lenght.

  5. O Cub of kangaroo is called in Australia “joyes”.

  6. A kangaroo can approximately jump nine meters in a single jump and reach a height of almost two meters. This animal reaches, on average, 30 kilometers per hour.

  7. THE tail of kangaroos can be used as a fifth member when they walk slowly.

  8. the kangaroos are hunted for meat and skin use.

  9. Kangaroos have stomachs with multiple cameras.

  10. All kangaroo species are classified on the IUCN Red List in the “Least Concern” category.

Kangaroos: characteristics, species, gestation and curiosities

Kangaroos: characteristics, species, gestation and curiosities

You kangaroos are animals mammals, of the group of marsupials, who enchant for their beauty and s...

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