Broccoli is a vegetable widely consumed in our country and is highlighted by the large amount of benefits it brings to our health. Broccoli can be eaten raw, however, most of the time, it is eaten after cooking. It is noteworthy that cooking, however, can cause the loss of some important nutrients in this vegetable.
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→ Scientific name of broccoli
The scientific name of broccoli is Brassica oleracea L.var. italics.The gender Brassica, belonging to the Brassicaceae family, it has several species of economic interest, such as cabbage and cauliflower. An interesting fact is that broccoli, Chinese broccoli, kale, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower have the same scientific name, Brassica oleracea, however, they differ in that they are botanical varieties of this species.
→ Broccoli Characteristics
Broccoli is a plant originated from the region of Mediterranean and was later introduced in the Americas region. Currently, the plant is widely cultivated in our country and it is popular with Brazilians, who mainly feed on the its inflorescences (a branch or set of branches that have flowers, which are often confused with a flower only).
Broccoli is a plantherbaceous which has an erect stem, a pivot root (root that is characterized by the presence of a taproot from which the secondary roots depart) and long, simple leaves, with little protruding ribs and without trichomes (glabras). Its main feature is the presence of inflorescences that form the so-called head. The head is dark green in color.
Note the head of the broccoli, the most consumed part of this vegetable.
→ Types of Broccoli
Broccoli sold in Brazil can be classified in two ways: single-head broccoli and branchy broccoli. See the main features of these two types:
single head: As its name implies, this type of broccoli is characterized by having a headgreat, unique and central. This feature makes it more attractive to the consumer and is the best type for freezing.
Brancho: This type of broccoli differs from single-headed broccoli in having a head central smaller and present shootssides with small inflorescences. It is noteworthy that the flower buds of these inflorescences are less compacted and larger than those present in single-head broccoli. This type of broccoli is usually sold in bunches.
→ Care after the broccoli harvest
Broccoli, like other vegetables, need some care after harvesting. This vegetable is characterized by having a short lifespan, that is, in a short time the broccoli loses its color, becoming yellowish, and starts to give off an unpleasant odor.
These problems can be avoidedwithonerefrigerationproper, both where the food is being sold and in our homes. It is recommended that the broccoli be kept in the refrigerator for up to 4 days in a plastic bag with holes in it.
Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked.
→ Benefits of Broccoli
Broccoli has a number of nutrients that are beneficial to our health. This food is rich, for example, in fibers, saltsminerals, like phosphor, iron and calcium, vitamins, like vitamin A and C, glucosinolates,carotenoids and phenolic compounds. In addition, it has lowthe amountincalories, being an ideal food for those people who are on a diet.
readalso: Importance of mineral salts
In addition to its low amount of calories, we can highlight the role of broccoli as a antioxidant, property resulting from the large amount of carotenoids and phenolic compounds. Broccoli is also related to prevention against various types of cancer and with the detoxificationofliver mainly due to the presence of glucosinolates.
The benefits of broccoli, however, do not stop there, and this food is also related to reducing the occurrence of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which is related to gastritis. Studies also indicate that consumption of this vegetable decreases blood glucose levels.
→ How can broccoli be consumed?

Broccoli can be consumed in different ways, and it is possible to find several interesting recipes with this vegetable. Among the various recipes that we can develop with this vegetable, we can mention stir-fries, salads and soups. It is worth noting that broccoli he canto beconsumed so much crude, how much cooked. Cooking, however, should be quick, as it can affect the texture, color and amount of nutrients in the vegetable.
Although most Brazilians feed only on the inflorescence, leaves and stems of the plant can also be consumed. However, the most nutritious part is actually the head part.