For me or for me? Portuguese tip: for me or for me?

Have you ever stopped to observe how certain expressions are used in speech? We already know that language is more free and informal in speech, the problem arises when we transfer to writing some language vices that, in the standard norm, are not welcome.

Among the most recurrent errors is the use of the oblique pronoun “me”. Many people end up getting confused, using the "me" instead of the pronoun straight case staff “I”. for me or for me? When and how to use each of the terms? To answer this question from many Portuguese speakers, stay tuned for the explanation and learn more about pronominal placement:

Correct use of "for me":

my mother bought new toys for me to play.

Make silence for me speak!

In the two examples above, the personal pronoun of the straight case “I” was used before the verbs “to play” and “to speak”, which are in the nominal form. infinitive. The tip is: before a verb that expresses an action, the subject will be the "I", not the "me", even because I make and not me do.

Correct use of "for me":

For me, playing ball is more fun than playing video games.

Can you buy a chocolate for me?

In the two examples above, the oblique pronoun tonic “me” is preceded by a preposition, in this case, “to”. Remember that the “me” cannot be used before a verb that indicates action, as the “me” cannot be subject in this situation. There is a construction in which the “me” appears before a verb, for example: “For me, playing football is therapy”. But you may have noticed that there is a pause, caused by the use of the comma, before the verb “play”, in which case the “me” is allowed.

Did you see? It's not even that complicated! Now that you know, pay attention to the correct use of the terms studied and good studies!

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