Venomous Spiders. The main venomous spiders

It is common to find people who are afraid of spiders. This fear is justified on several points, as, in addition to their frightening appearance, some species are extremely dangerous. However, we cannot simply accuse these animals, since some species are not dangerous, and, of course, they are fundamental for the food chain.

Among the main species that cause great danger to humans, we can mention the armadillo spider, brown spider and black widow spider. All these species are found in Brazil, so it is important to have some care and attention. Here are some characteristics of these venomous spiders:

Brown Spider (Genus loxosceles): It has a yellowish-brown color, reaches an average of three centimeters and builds webs. This little aggressive spider bites normally when we compress its body. That's why we must be careful when handling debris, boxes, building materials, under furniture, behind frames, among other places where there is not much movement and generally have little lighting. This spider's bite is serious and can cause discomfort, burns, blistering, swelling and death of the local skin tissue. Sometimes the bite doesn't cause pain, but that doesn't make the accident any less serious.

The brown spider bite may cause little pain, making the patient take longer to seek help
The brown spider bite may cause little pain, making the patient take longer to seek help

Armadillo Spider (Genus Phoneutria): Its color varies from gray to brown, can reach up to 17 centimeters and does not produce webs. Its main characteristic is to raise its body and stay in an attack position when it feels threatened. It is quite aggressive and its bite, quite severe, causes intense pain for a long period of time, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pressure drop and involuntary muscle contractions. It is found under the bark of trees, in some fruits, such as banana bunches, in palm trees, bromeliads, among other places. Like the brown spider, it can hide behind furniture, in curtains and in rubble.

The armadeira spider is the largest known venomous spider

Black Widow (Gender Latrodectus): It has red spots on its abdomen and measures about 3 centimeters. It is found in places with low vegetation, in bushes, under rocks, among other places. Its sting causes severe pain, causes muscle contraction, increased pressure, changes in heart rate, increased production of sweat, among other symptoms.

The black widow has red spots on the abdomen

If you are bitten by a spider, it is important seek medical help immediately, since the poison can sometimes even lead to death. If possible, the patient should take the spider so that identification can be made and the correct medication is used. This measure allows the treatment to be carried out more quickly. Remember not to tourniquet, suck the poison, squeeze or cut the area.

Avoiding spider bites is very simple. Here are some tips:

- Never walk barefoot;

- Avoid touching the garden plants without gloves;

- Before putting on an outfit or putting on a shoe, carefully check that there is no spider. Shaking clothes and shoes well can help remove these animals, if any are present;

- Do not leave beds leaning against the walls;

- Always clean your house, especially behind and under furniture, curtains and paintings;

- Also leave your yard and garden clean, free of debris and garbage. Also remember to mow the lawn well and avoid the accumulation of too many leaves.

Did you know that crabs are not dangerous? Usually accidents with these spiders are caused by the stinging hairs of these animals, which cause stinging and even burns. His sting, despite not representing danger, is quite painful. However, it is important to remember that they rarely bite.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Venomous Spiders. The main venomous spiders

Venomous Spiders. The main venomous spiders

It is common to find people who are afraid of spiders. This fear is justified on several points, ...

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