Anomalous verbs. Study of verbs: what are anomalous verbs?

The verb is one of the most interesting grammar classes and also one of the most difficult! Despite their complexity, verbs can be more easily studied through their classifications: regular verbs, irregular verbs, defective, abundant and anomalous. Today we are going to talk a little more about anomalous verbs, an interesting occurrence in the Portuguese language.

We know that regular verbs are so called because they fit into fixed models of verbal conjugation, that is, they do not undergo changes in the stems and endings when conjugated. already the irregular verbs receive this name because they show changes in the radicals and endings when conjugated. Among the irregular verbs are anomalous verbs, which have different primary radicals in their conjugation. Got confused? Let's explain this story straight to you.

This type of verb does not have only one stem when conjugated. The verbs go and to be are examples of anomalous verbs. Watch:

I went

You went

We went

he/she was

he/she went


You are

He she is

We will be

let him be

We were going

You may have noticed that the radicals in the above conjugations have undergone great changes if we compare with the conjugations of the so-called “normal” verbs, right? There is no rule that determines these changes, which is why they are called anomalous. See just the meaning of the word "anomalous" according to the dictionary:

Anomalous: from Latin anomalous, -The, -a, from the greek anomalous, -on, which is not done according to legality, unequal, fickle, capricious.

Anomalous verbs completely escape from the patterns of verbal conjugation!

Another curiosity: The verb to be is formed by the joining of two others: that (which means to be) and see (which means to stay, stay, be). The verb go is formed by the joining of three Latin verbs: go (which means to go), wade (which means to walk, walk) and flee (which means retreat, flee). Therefore, as they are the result of the addition of other verbs, the verbs to be and to have more than one stem when they are conjugated.

Did you see? Studying verbs can be very interesting!

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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