What happens during our sleep. Importance of sleep

After a tiring day we feel very sleepy. This happens because our body needs some rest and for that we need to sleep. It takes at least eight hours of sleep a day for the body to be able to rest and thus handle all the activities of the next day.

While we are sleeping, several very important things happen in our body. It is during sleep that our immune system is strengthened and hormones are produced and released to our bodies. One of these hormones is growth hormone: this means that when we are children we grow while we sleep. Therefore, those who sleep poorly have a chance of having problems with their physical development. As we age, this hormone is also released, but in smaller doses.

Also during sleep, the hormone leptin is released into the body. This hormone causes the feeling of satiety. This means that in people who sleep poorly, the body almost does not produce this hormone, increasing the chances of gaining weight.

During sleep there is also rest and relaxation of our muscles, so a good night's sleep favors memorization and learning.

A good night's sleep favors our learning.
A good night's sleep favors our learning

Research by scientists shows that a person who sleeps less is more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, infections, diabetes and obesity, in addition to spending the next day feeling ill, tired, with compromised reasoning ability and motor coordination too, due to the physical fatigue.

A bad night's sleep generates tiredness and difficulty concentrating

When we get a good night's sleep, we spend the next day well and increase our quality and life expectancy.

Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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