Ascariasis. What is Ascariasis?

You may have heard that someone has a roundworm, right? But do you know what it's about?

The roundworm, like the roundworm lumbricoid ascaris is popularly known, causes ascariasis, one of the most common worms in the world. The adult male worm can reach up to 30 cm, while the female can reach up to 40 cm. Usually the worm has a pinkish-yellow color and a smooth cuticle lining its body.

It is in the intestines that they live and reproduce. Female roundworms lay eggs in the human intestine that are passed through the feces. If the infected person defecates in an inappropriate place, such as near rivers or lakes, eggs can contaminate the water. If another person ingests the contaminated water or food that has been contaminated by that water, they can catch this roundworm.

When a person ingests the eggs, they initially hatch, releasing a larva into the intestine that will pierce the wall of the organ. These larvae will enter the bloodstream towards the lungs. In them, the larvae will perforate the alveoli and will ascend through the bronchi to the pharyngeal region. When larvae are moving up through the digestive tract, coughing may occur. At this point, the larvae will be swallowed again, returning to the intestine, where they will become adult individuals, reproducing. Thus, there will be the release of eggs that will be eliminated by feces.

Usually a person with this disease does not experience many symptoms if the roundworms are low in quantity. But, in large quantities, they can cause cramps, intestinal obstruction and the larvae, when migrating through the body, can cause injuries wherever they go.

Diagnosis is made through stool tests and the best medicine will be indicated by your doctor.

Hygiene habits can prevent this verminosis

To prevent this disease, it's very simple. Just wash your hands before eating, filter or boil water before drinking, and wash food thoroughly before consuming it. It is important that the patient is treated so that he does not continue to spread the disease. It is also important not to defecate in inappropriate places, so investment in basic sanitation is essential.

Ascariasis. What is Ascariasis?

Ascariasis. What is Ascariasis?

You may have heard that someone has a roundworm, right? But do you know what it's about?The round...

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Ascariasis: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Ascariasis is the result of helminth infestationlumbricoid ascaris in the body, being most often ...

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