Underground stems. Characteristics of underground stems

All stems that develop below ground are called underground stems. They can be classified into three types: rhizomes, tubers and bulbs.

You underground stems like rhizome accumulate nutritive substances and grow near the soil surface. In this type of stem we can see several branches and roots coming out of it. These types of underground stems can be seen in ferns, ginger, banana trees, etc.

In the image we can see some leaves coming out of the stem, which in this case is the ginger itself

In some stems of the rhizome type there is a great accumulation of nutritive substances in certain regions, forming what we call the tubers, as is the case with English potato, yametc.

Tubers are very rich in nutrients

The underground stems of the type bulb they are formed by the stem and modified leaves. They are usually small and round shaped stems. We can find this type of stem in onion, lily, garlic, saffron, between others.

In the image we can see the parts of an onion, an example of a bulb-like stem.
In the image we can see the parts of an onion, an example of a bulb-like stem.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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Underground stems. Characteristics of underground stems

Underground stems. Characteristics of underground stems

All stems that develop below ground are called underground stems. They can be classified into thr...

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