Are sweets bad for your health?

Ice cream, brigadeiros, cashews, jelly beans, kisses and chocolates. Who doesn't love these foods, right? There are even those people who can't live without sweets. After all, how healthy is the consumption of sweets? Are they as harmless as they look?

→ Sweets are bad for your health?

When it comes to food, one thing we must keep in mind: nothing in excess is good for our body.With sweets it is no different, and the consumption of sugars must therefore be controlled.

When we eat sweets, there is an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood. This glucose is important and will be used by the cells to ensure that it works. However, when their amounts are exaggerated, the body will “store” this supply of glucose in the form of fat, which will be deposited in the adipose tissue.

The deposit of fat in our adipose tissue causes us to gain weight, and that's where the problems start. Weight above the recommended increases the chances in people with a predisposition to develop problems such as:

  • High pressure;

  • Diabetes;

  • Cardiovascular problems.

This does not mean, however, that a person who eats too many sweets will develop diabetes, for example. This disease only appears in those who already have a predisposition for it. In addition, we cannot forget about problems such asdental cavity. In these cases, it is very important to keep your teeth healthy, brushing them well and, of course, reducing your intake of sweets.

→ What are the recommendations of the World Health Organization?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the daily consumption of sugar should not exceed 10% of the total calories consumed that day. Ideally, sugar intake represents only 5% of these calories, which means about 25 g of sugar daily.

This sugar corresponds to that used to sweeten our juices, for example, as well as what is present in processed foods, such as honey and syrups. It is worth noting that the sugar naturally present in vegetables and milk does not count for this.

Therefore, it is clear that we can, yes, eat sweets, but we should always eat them in moderation.

→ Why is eating sweets so good?

Sweets stimulate an area of ​​the brain related to the release of serotonin. This substance, which is a neurotransmitter (chemical messengers produced by neurons), is associated with the feeling of pleasure. That's why it feels good to eat sweets.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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