Differences between horns and horns

horns and horns they are structures found in many mammals that are related to sexual presentation, defense, recognition between individuals of the same species and competition between males. How about knowing more about these structures?


Female and male reindeer have horns

Horns are structures formed exclusively by bone tissue and derived from the frontal bone of the skull.. These structures have branches and are covered by a layer of skin rich in blood vessels (velvet). As this horn matures, this vessel-rich layer stops receiving blood and dies, leaving the bone exposed. Each year, an animal's horn is changed.

We can mention the deer, the moose and the caribou as animals that have horns. These structures are normally found in males, with few species having females with horns. Among the females that have horns, we can mention reindeer.


Cows have horns, not horns, as many think

The horns are structures normally derived from the frontal bone of the skull and consist of a projection of bone covered by a layer of keratin, the same protein responsible for forming nails and by the.

Keratin goes beyond projection, which is why, in cows, the horns are cut without causing pain to the animal. These structures are usually found in pairs.

The horns are present in ruminants, such as cattle, antelopes and giraffes. in the giraffes, the horns are a little different, as the bony projection does not arise from the frontal bone and is completely covered by skin. Another horn that deserves attention is the rhinoceros horn, which is made up exclusively of keratin and is arranged in the line of the nose.

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