Diseases caused by bacteria - list, symptoms and exercises

Diseases caused by bacteria, also called bacterioesoh, have bacteria as the causative agent, that is, prokaryotic organisms formed by a single cell. They can be quite serious, so adequate treatment is needed for this type of problem.

Bacteria are organisms that are of great value to humans and the environment alike. These organisms have ecological, industrial, medical and even genetic engineering importance, being used, for example, in the manufacture of insulin.

Read too:Importance of Bacteria

However, despite helping humans, bacteria are also associated with disease. Generally, illnesses caused by bacteria occur due to the release of toxins produced by these organisms. See below some names of diseases caused by bacteria and their respective causative agents:

Anger is caused by Vibrio cholerae.

  • Botulism: its causative agent is the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

  • Cholera: its causative agent is the bacteria Vibrio cholerae.

  • Gonorrhea: its causative agent is the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

  • Leprosy: its causative agent is the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae.

  • leptospirosis: its causative agent is the bacteria Leptospira interrogans.

  • Bacterial meningitis: can be caused by different bacteria — Haemophilus influenzae type b, Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae are some of the bacteria that can cause this disease.

  • Bacterial pneumonia: can be caused by different agents, being the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae one of them.

  • Salmonellosis: its causative agent is bacteria of the genus Salmonella.

  • Syphilis: its causative agent is the bacteria Treponema pallidum.

  • Tetanus: its causative agent is the bacteria Clostridium tetani.

  • Tuberculosis: its causative agent is the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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Symptoms of illnesses caused by bacteria

Diseases caused by bacteria can trigger different symptoms, depending on the agent causing the problem. In general, bacterial diseases can cause diarrhea, vomiting, fever and body aches. However, these are very general symptoms and may indicate thatas well other problems. See below some bacterial diseases and the symptoms they cause in the body:

  • Cholera: it is a serious illness that causes diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. If not treated properly, it can lead to dehydration, kidney failure and even death.

  • Gonorrhea: it's a sexual infectiontransmissible agent, which can cause discharge and pain when urinating.

  • Leprosy: é characterized by causing blemishes on the skin that have loss of sensitivity. In addition, the patient may experience shock and needling sensation along the nerves of the legs and arms and reduced muscle strength in the hands and feet.

  • Leptospirosis: it is the cause of symptoms such as muscle pain, chest pain, dry cough and photophobia, which is excessive sensitivity to light.

  • Tetanus: it is the cause of symptoms such as muscle stiffness, difficulty in swallowing and generalized muscle contracture. It can lead to respiratory failure.

  • Tuberculosis: it is the cause of symptoms such as cough, fever, weight loss, tiredness and difficulty breathing.

Different bacteria cause different symptoms. Above, we have the bacteria that cause syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease.

It is noteworthy that only some of the symptoms observed in bacterial diseases were mentioned here. Others may be present, or some of these illnesses may not cause the same symptoms in all people.

Treatment of bacterial diseases

The treatment of diseases caused by bacteria is usually done with the use of antibiotics, substances that destroy these microorganisms or prevent them from multiplying. Such remedies are generally very efficient in the treatment of these diseases, however, their incorrect use is causing a serious problem: antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Many people use antibiotics incorrectly, not respecting the doses, times and time of treatment. Some patients, when they feel better, stop using the medicine. The problem with this habit is the fact that, first, the antibiotic will act on the less resistant bacteria, over time, the drug eliminates the more resistant ones. If the drug is stopped before the deadline, the bacteria that have not yet been eliminated multiply, making treatment more difficult.

Inappropriate use of antibiotics causes an increase in superbugs.

Thus, it is important to carefully follow the medical recommendations, respecting hours and time of use. In addition, it is essential to always use medications within the expiration date and keep them in an appropriate place.

Prevention of Bacterial Illnesses

Bacterial diseases can be transmitted in different ways, so there are different ways of prevention for each disease. Sexually transmitted diseases, for example, can be prevented with condom use. Those transmitted by food and water can be prevented by washing the food well, eating only in hygienic places, always keeping their hands clean and drinking treated water and filtered.

We must not forget, also, that some diseases can be prevented with the use of vaccines. Therefore, it is essential to get vaccinated and pay attention to the vaccination schedule.

Characteristics of bacteria

Bacteria are microscopic organisms made up of a single cell. The bacterial cell is of the prokaryote type, that is, it does not have a defined nucleus or membranous organelles. It is observed in these cells the presence of genetic material spread throughout the cytoplasm and ribosomes, structures that act in the production of proteins.

Bacteria can be found isolated or still forming colonies. Your ranking is usually based on format. According to the shape of the bacteria, we can classify them into:

Observe the different types of bacteria according to their shapes.

  • Coconuts: are bacteria that have a spherical shape. Cocci can be in pairs (diplococci), arranged in chains (streptococci), arranged in clusters that resemble a bunch of grapes (staphylococci), and arranged in a cubic aspect (sarcina).

  • Bacillus: they are rod-shaped bacteria. Generally, bacilli occur alone, but they can be organized in chains (streptobacilli).

  • spirals, which can be classified into:

    • vibrios: are comma-shaped bacteria;

    • Spirochetes: they are coiled, flexible, long and narrow bacteria;

    • Spirils: they are rigid and have the shape of a helical rod.

Questions about diseases caused byr bacteria

See if you've learned all about bacterial diseases by answering the questions below:

question 1 (PUC-RJ - 2007) A group of people was admitted to a hospital after eating a birthday cake purchased in a commercial establishment. The diagnosis was poisoning by a bacterium of the genus salmonella. Check the alternative that indicates the description.the correct one of a bacterium.

a) A macroscopic, unicellular, eukaryotic organism;

b) A microscopic, unicellular, prokaryote organism;

c) A microscopic, unicellular, eukaryotic organism;

d) A macroscopic, multicellular, prokaryote organism;

e) A microscopic, unicellular, heterothermic organism.

Reply:Letter B. Bacteria are micro-organisms made up of a single cell. The bacterial cell is called a prokaryote cell because it does not have a defined nucleus or membranous organelles.

question 2 Review the alternatives below and mark the only disease that is not caused by bacteria.

a) Botulism

b) Leprosy

c) Dengue

d) Leptospirosis

e) Syphilis

Reply: Letter C. Dengue is a disease caused by a virus. All others mentioned are diseases caused by bacteria.

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