Diseases caused by fungi. Fungi and Diseases

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Fungi are very important living beings for the balance of nature, as fungi and bacteria unite to decompose organic matter. Furthermore, fungi are also used in the preparation of food, beverages and in the production of certain medicines.

Looking at it this way, we can conclude that fungi are wonderful beings, were it not for their parasitic side that causes diseases in plants and animals.

Approximately 100 species of fungi cause infections in humans. We call these infections mycoses.

Chilblains, also known as athlete's foot, appear in moist areas of the body such as the groin and between the fingers and toes. They usually present as fissures, desquamations and wounds located between the fingers, causing a lot of itching.

Athlete's foot is a type of ringworm that affects the feet

Impingement is a ringworm that affects the skin superficially. This infection is characterized by forming round, itchy lesions that form an area of ​​skin with red edges.

Our nails are also very susceptible to these fungal infections. Known as nails, these mycoses present as white spots or even deformities on the nails. Usually when affected by this ringworm, the region around the nail becomes painful, swollen, red and inflamed. In some cases, the nail may start to grow deformed.

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Figure 1. Chilblain. Figure 2. impinge on the arm

There is a type of ringworm, known as white cloth, which forms light patches on the skin, especially on the trunk, face, neck and arms. Thrush is also a type of ringworm that causes a lot of itchiness and redness in the affected area (usually the groin).

Thrush, which occurs in the mucous membranes of children and babies, is also caused by fungi and is characterized by having several white spots on the mucosa.

Figure 1. Thrush in the mouth. Figure 2. White cloth
Figure 1. Thrush in the mouth. Figure 2. White cloth

There is a type of fungus that attacks the internal organs of human beings, mainly the lungs, causing what is called histoplasmosis. In the case of this infection, the fungus spores are sucked in along with the air, causing the formation of new fungi. To contract histoplasmosis it is necessary to have contact with contaminated bat or bird waste.

The main way to prevent ringworm infection is to adopt good hygiene habits. All mycoses, when treated, are cured.

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