Use of demonstrative pronouns. Study of demonstrative pronouns

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Through the text "Learning how to use demonstrative pronouns” you could know one of the types that make up the grammatical class represented by the pronouns – the demonstrative pronouns. So, just remembering, they indicate the position of beings in time or space, making references to the three people in the discourse, is not true?

Well, our main goal is to make you understand a little more and expand your knowledge about the use of demonstrative pronouns, because this subject, like so many others related to the Portuguese language, is linked to correct ways of use, to those little rules of which we must always be aware. Let's go then?

# Use of demonstrative pronouns in relation to space:

We believe that you already know how this type of use takes place, but just to reinforce, note:

- The pronouns este (s), esta (s) and this indicate the being or object that is close to the person who is speaking at the time. So let's check out some examples?

This backpack here is beautiful, do you want one?

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What we are seeing is very important for our knowledge.

- The pronouns esse (s), esse (s) and that indicate the being or the object that is close to the person with whom one is talking. How about we see some examples?

I love this book that you have.

Don't pull over as this can be dangerous.

- The pronouns that (s), that (s) and that refer to the being or object that is far from both the person speaking and the person with whom one is speaking. Let's look at the cases:
That last girl in line is polite and kind.
Look! Doesn't that appear to be the missing object?

# Use of demonstrative pronouns in relation to time:

- The pronouns este (s), esta (s) and this indicate the present tense, the now in relation to the speaker. Note:
Wow, how beautiful this day is!
- The pronouns esse (s), esse (s) and this indicate the past or future tense more or less close to the speaker. Watch:
Yesterday we went to visit some friends. How beautiful this moment was!
- The pronouns that (s), that (s) and that indicate a distant time in relation to the moment when the person speaks. Let's look at the following example together?
Three years ago I saw a colleague I hadn't seen for a long time. I will never forget that meeting.
# Use of demonstrative pronouns in relation to speaking or writing:
- The pronouns este (s), esta (s) and this indicate what will still be said or written. How about we see the example that follows?
I will always tell you this: you are a very special person.

- The pronouns esse (s), esse (s) and this indicate what has already been said or written. Note the following example:

“You are a very special person”: that's what I told you.

- The pronouns “this” and “that” refer to elements that have already been said or written. The pronoun “this” indicates the closest, and “that” the one that is furthest away. We will see?
Peter and Marcos arrived. This is my cousin, and that is my friend.
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