Benefits of chocolate. Main benefits of chocolate

Produced from cocoa, the chocolate it is part of the diet of many people around the world. Despite having fats and sugars, this food has some health benefits. Let's meet them?

First of all, we must remember that chocolate is manufactured in different ways, so there are different flavors. O chocolate TheThe milk it is one of the most consumed and has a relatively low cocoa content. The chocolate bitter, in turn, is rich in cocoa and low in fats and sugars, being the most beneficial for health. the chocolate White it is not made from cocoa seed, but from cocoa butter, so it has the most fats and sugars and is therefore not very beneficial.

O cocoa presents several important substances, such as the chemical compounds known as polyphenols. This substance is characterized by its antioxidant property, that is, it prevents the formation of free radicals that can damage healthy cells in our body.

Antioxidants are key to avoid problems with the cardiovascular system, since they are related to a decrease in the risk of fatty plaques in the blood vessels and, consequently, a decrease in the risk of infarctions and thrombosis. In addition, the polyphenols found in chocolate help to decrease insulin resistance, increase blood flow and even prevent aging.

Studies also indicate that, due to its antioxidant capacity, chocolate is responsible for prevent bowel cancer, as it prevents damage to cells that area. Are also Beneficial for patients who have suffered brain damage. as a result of CVA (cerebrovascular accident) because they protect the nerve cells. In pregnant women, studies indicate that chocolate decreases the risk of developing pre-eclampsia.

Chocolate also has the amino acid tryptophan, which is responsible for triggering the activation of serotonin and dopamine, substances directly related to improves mood. When the levels of these substances are low, people can develop depression and anxiety. For women, chocolate, therefore, can be a great weapon against PMS (Premenstrual Tension). It should also be noted that chocolate also has vitamins and mineral salts, substances fundamental to our development.

Dark chocolates, as already highlighted, are the ones with the most cocoa and, consequently, the greatest amount of beneficial substances. Therefore, the recommendation is that, whenever possible, the person opts for dark and bitter chocolates to ensure greater benefits. It is worth noting that daily consumption should not exceed 30g.

Despite all the benefits, if consumed in excess, chocolate can cause gastrointestinal problems (such as diarrhea), headaches and even trigger overweight and diabetes.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Benefits of chocolate. Main benefits of chocolate

Produced from cocoa, the chocolate it is part of the diet of many people around the world. Despit...

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