Eructation is the name used to name the famous burp. This phenomenon, often considered as a “lack of education”, is a common occurrence and, at times, it can indicate some health problems. Are we going to learn more about this subject?
When we eat, some gases end up entering the digestive system during the chewing process. Also, when we drink soda, we are sending a lot of carbon dioxide into our stomach. Part of these gases ends up being naturally absorbed by the body, but another part needs to be eliminated. That's where the belch happens.
Belching occurs through an involuntary regurgitation of air in the stomach. On some occasions, this gas, when leaving, causes noise and embarrassment, if we are accompanied. The noise is caused by the vibration of the walls of the esophagus due to the passage of air.
There is often a relationship between belching and a condition called gastroesophageal reflux. This disease is mainly characterized by the return of stomach contents into the esophagus, which may include food and gastric juice. Another disease related to frequent belching is ulcers. Therefore, it is important to find out when they occur frequently.
Some people with digestive tract problems believe that forcing burping helps to relieve discomfort. However, forcing this habit ends up causing a greater increase in gas in the digestive system.
Babies also have a lot of gas in their stomach, this is because when they suck and cry, they end up swallowing a lot of air. Ideally, after breastfeeding, the mother puts the baby to burp. This prevents him from experiencing abdominal cramps.
You can reduce belching with a few simple actions:
- Stop chewing gum;
- Remove sodas and other carbonated drinks from your food;
- Chew your food well;
- Eat slowly;
- Do not put large amounts of food in your mouth;
- Avoid talking while eating;
- Do not smoke.
It is worth remembering that part of the gases that were not absorbed or left through the mouth through eructation goes towards the intestine. There, these gases come out in the form of flatulence, the famous “pum”. Most of the gas found in the intestine, however, is not the result of swallowing air. The vast majority of these gases are the result of the fermentation of food.
by Vanessa dos Santos
Graduated in Biology