Process of words formation

Before we begin this subject, we will analyze the following words:
earth – plant – iron
They are called primitive, because through them we can form new words such as:
yard – plantation – horseshoe
These are called derivatives.
The processes of formation of other words, from some already existing ones, receive specific names. That's what we'll see next:
Prefix Derivation – This is when we assign a prefix to join before the primitive word. Look at the example:
to value - desto value
equality -
We noticed that there was an addition of the prefix "-de" which joined the verb “to value” and the noun “equality”.
Suffix derivation – It is when we add a suffix that joins after the primitive word.Look:
alphabetize - alphabetizeaction
fill - fillment
Here there was an addition of the suffix "-action", which joined the verb “alphabetizar”, and the suffix "-ement" with the verb “to fill”.
Parasynthetic derivation - It is when there is the addition of a prefix and a suffix at the same time:
night - The

morning - Themorningecer
We noticed that new words were formed with additions before and after the original ones.

Regressive Derivation - This is when we remove the final part of a primitive word, thus forming a derivative:
help - help - sell - sell
What happened was the removal of the letter "r", giving rise to new nouns such as: help and sale.
Another case is the composition, which is divided into two types:
Composition by juxtaposition - formed by two or more elements, becoming a compound word:
tomboy's foot - monday - run-run
Composition by agglutination - It is the process in which the formation results in the loss of the sound of some letter that makes up the word:
water + burning - brandy
flat + high – plateau.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team

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