Differences between turtle, tortoise and tortoise

The turtles are animals belonging to the group of reptiles that have the characteristic of being confined inside a carapace. In this group, we find tortoises, tortoises and turtles. These animals have many similarities, however they are very different beings. Are we going to know these differences?

Tortoises have cylindrical legs and a high hull

First let's talk about tortoise. This animal is an exclusively terrestrial reptile. Its hull is tall and its legs are cylindrical, resembling elephants' legs, in addition to having nails. He feeds on fruits, vegetables and meats. Because its diet is based on animals and vegetables, it is called an omnivore. Another important feature is your neck, which is vertically retracted.

Tortoises have a flattened hull and paws with interdigital membranes

You turtles they differ from tortoises in that they are freshwater animals, however, they also live on land. Their paws are equipped with interdigital membranes, that is, between the toes, which facilitate the swimming of these animals. There are also nails that facilitate locomotion on land. Its shell is flatter when compared to the tortoise. The vast majority are carnivorous, but there are omnivorous species. They have the ability to bend your neck laterally.

Turtles have paws that resemble oars.
Turtles have paws that resemble oars.

Turtles are generally marine, but there are freshwater species. These animals only go ashore to spawn. Its paws are like oars, making it easier for you to swim. Unlike turtles, they do not have the ability to hide the neck laterally, in addition to being smaller. Turtles have a varied diet, such as fish, jellyfish, sponges, shrimp, among others.

We can see, therefore, that these three turtles differ mainly in their habitat. We can also differentiate them through the characteristics of the feet, hooves and neck.

Remember that these animals can only be raised with authorization from Ibama! When buying them in pet shops, require the invoice with the institute's registration.

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