The Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), popularly called autism, it is a neurological development disorder that presents the most striking characteristics: difficulty in social interaction and repetitive or restricted behaviors. According to the Pan American Health Organization, one in 160 children has ASD. In general, ASD affects more boys than girls.
ASD has no cure, but therapies allow people with this disorder to reduce some typical difficulties, such as communication. It is noteworthy that there are different levels of commitment, with people with ASD who are completely independent and others who need lifelong monitoring.
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What is Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
It is a neurodevelopmental disorder quite complex, which affects social skills of the individual as well as provokes repetitive or restricted behaviors. People with this disorder have, in general, greater difficulty in communicating, interacting with other people, using their imagination, among others. This disorder is present from the individual's childhood, accompanying him for life.

According to the Pan American Health Organization, individuals with ASD often have other associated conditions, such as: epilepsy, depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is noteworthy that the intellectual functioning is also varied in TEA, there are people with a lot of commitment, and others, not.
Some individuals have a condition known as savantism or Savant Syndrome, in which the individual has high abilities, such as excellent memory, ability to perform complex calculations in a short time, and musical and artistic abilities. savantism it is seen in about 10% of people with ASD.
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What Causes Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
The causes of ASD are not completely known, but it is believed that genetic and environmental factors, like infections and uses of some medications can trigger it.
Studies have related TEA with the use of certain vaccines, however, today, it is known that these studies had serious errors in their development. It is currently possible to say that there is no evidence to associate the vaccine against measles, mumps and rubellato TEA, nor other vaccines given in childhood.
What are the signs of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
The Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects the individual's behavior in different ways, and it is possible to observe some suggestive signs of it. Among the signs that can be noticed, even in the first year of the child's life, are:
- Low eye contact;
- Difficulty in keeping the gaze supported;
- Don't respond to the name;
- Do not accept touch;
- Unusual interests;
- Great discomfort with loud sounds;
- Don't turn to ambient sounds;
- Show more interest in objects than in people;
- Losing skills that had already been acquired, such as babbling.
What is the treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) does not have a cure, but there is a series of therapies that help develop some skills in the individual, how to reduce the difficulty of communication.
To guarantee the full development of the individual, it is essential that measures are taken from childhood. Among them we can mention behavioral therapy, speech therapy and psychological counseling. Monitoring by a multidisciplinary team is essential for successful treatment.

It is important to emphasize that therapies must be started early in order to guarantee better results. However what we observe is that the diagnosis it is not always done quickly, occurring, on average, when the individual is between four and five years old.
The rights of the person with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
For legal purposes, a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is considered a person with a disability. THE Law No. 12,764, of December 27, 2012, institutes the National Policy for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. According to her, the rights of people with ASD are:
I - a dignified life, physical and moral integrity, free personality development, safety and leisure.
II - protection against any form of abuse and exploitation.
III - access to health actions and services, with a view to providing comprehensive care to their health needs, including:
a) early diagnosis, although not definitive;
b) multidisciplinary care;
c) adequate nutrition and nutritional therapy;
d) medications;
e) information that helps in diagnosis and treatment.
IV - access:
a) education and vocational training;
b) housing, including protected residence;
c) the labor market;
d) social security and social assistance.
Single paragraph. In cases of proven need, the person with autism spectrum disorder included in the regular classes of regular education, pursuant to item IV of art. 2nd, will be entitled to a specialized companion.
There is still the Law No. 13,977, of January 8, 2020, also known as the Romeo Mion Law, which establishes the creation of the Identification Card of the Person with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Ciptea), free of charge. According to the law, the creation of this portfolio is intended to guarantee people with ASD attention integral, prompt service and priority in service and access to public services and private.
World Autism Awareness Day
Annually, on april 2nd, is celebrated the World Autism Awareness Day. The date was created in 2007 by the United Nations (UN), and aims to provide information about the Disorder of Autistic Spectrum (ASD) for the entire population, in order to reduce the discrimination and prejudice that exist against people who suffer from it. feature.
The date is usually marked by walks, demonstrations, courses and lectures about the TEA. In addition, the monuments are illuminated with the blue color, which represents the disorder and was chosen due to the fact that it affects a greater amount of males.
Each year, a theme is chosen to guide the debate about TEA. The 2020 theme, for example, is “Autism: Respect for the Full Spectrum”. The term spectrum in the campaign is a way of showing people that there can be big differences between one person with ASD and another, as the disorder affects each person differently.