Verbs see and come. Traits that demarcate the verbs see and come

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In case you had to say:
When Mom sees me walking around here, she'll be worried.
When Mom sees me walking around here, she'll be worried.

Which of the two ways would you use?
We often get used to speaking and even writing words and expressions that, by habit, we don't even bother to know if they are adequate or not. However, although this is something that usually happens in the lives of many people, it is always good to be attentive, especially at the time of writing, so that we don't make some mistakes that could have been avoided.
So, as you know, some facts related to Grammar often surprise us. It's like we think something like this:
- Our! I've learned so much and I still have a lot more to learn about something I didn't even think existed or, at times, I imagined being very different.
For this and other reasons, what we will learn now is certainly not known to everyone – the way the verbs see and come are conjugated. They, as far as the future tense of the subjunctive mode is concerned, have some surprises for us. Do you know why?

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It's simple, simple, because one takes the form of the other. Shall we then combine them together?

The verb to see takes the form of the verb to come, in the future of the subjunctive
We then verified, through the first column, where the “such” secret is found. So, going back to the question asked at the beginning of our study, of course you would opt for the second alternative:
When Mom sees me walking around here, she'll be worried.
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team

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