Scientific popularization text

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Taking into account the knowledge we already have, we know that there are texts whose discursive purposes diverge: some serve to inform, some to entertain, others to instruct, finally... distinct are the intentions proposed by the issuer when writing something. Well, my friend, the user, knowing that, in this meeting we will get to know a little more about those texts that help significantly in improving what we need to know. So we are talking about thecalled scientific popularization texts.

By the name you should already have a notion that it is something based on more in-depth studies, results of research, experiments, in short, an exclusive dedication on the part of who is dedicated to the field of science and resolves, without a doubt, to contribute to its advancement in general, contributing, consequently, to the good of the population, conceived as a whole. Thus, in terms of linguistic characteristics, there is no doubt that this type of text works using the formal standard of language, given that the intention is to pass on

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knowledge.For this reason, we will probably not find personality traits, such as the use of the first person (I) in the discourse employed in this type of text. Another aspect that is also evident in the genre in question is the presence of technical terms, typical of scientific language, obviously. Thus, as it is a text for exposition of ideas, it usually consists of a introduction, a development and a conclusion.So, nothing better than making sure with an example, what do you think?

The scientific dissemination text consists of a specific structure

Childhood obesity can double risk of death before age 55, study says

Childhood obesity more than doubles the risk of dying before age 55, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Following, over the long term, nearly 5,000 children born between 1945 and 1984, the researchers noted that a quarter of the volunteers who had a higher body mass index (BMI) had twice the rate of death from natural causes before the age of 55 years than the group of lower BMI. Among these causes, experts considered alcoholic liver disease, cardiovascular disease, infections, cancer, diabetes and drug overdose.

“The main point is that obesity in children is a serious problem that needs to be addressed seriously,” said researcher William C. Knowler of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. "What this particular study shows is that obesity will cause excess premature death," added the expert.

In addition to the direct influence of childhood obesity on the risk of premature death, the research indicated that Glucose intolerance – a risk factor for diabetes – and high blood pressure in childhood also play a role in this sense. Death rates were 73% higher among the group with greater glucose intolerance and 1.5 times higher among those with high blood pressure.

In a press release, pediatrician Marc Jacobson, from the American Academy of Pediatrics, highlights that the new study is timely and important, as more than one-sixth of American children are obese. "It gives us more relevant data on the long-term effects of adolescent obesity." And, following the guidelines of the Academy, the expert recommends measuring the body mass index in all children, and an approach to the lifestyle of those who are obese.

For prevention, he said, parents can use the so-called 5210 – five daily servings of fruit and vegetables, two hours or less of TV a day, an hour of exercise, and no or very few drinks sugary.*

By establishing familiarity with the text in question, we can verify about everything that was expressed previously.

* Text extracted from "Click Health"
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