10 trivia about Antarctica

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THE Antarctica, also called Antarctica, is a continent almost entirely covered in ice. It is located in the South Pole and its area is 14 million square kilometers, which is almost twice the size of Brazil. This continent is isolated from all others and is the coldest region on Earth.
Let's meet 10 trivia about Antarctica?

1. Antarctica has no owner. Officially, no country owns any piece of land in the region. Some countries are interested in annexing Antarctic lands to their territories, mainly because of their mineral wealth, but there mining is prohibited.

2. There are very few animal species living in Antarctica. Among them are the Penguin-emperor it's the elephant seal. However, the seas and oceans around the continent ice cream are populated by several species of fish and mammals, like the blue whales and seals.

3. There are several research bases in Antarctica. Scientists from nearly 30 nationalities stay there for a few months of the year to study topics such as marine life, the Earth's climate and other subjects.

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4. Antarctica has no native inhabitants. All residents who live there are researchers from various nations, such as the United States, South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina, China, Brazil, Poland, Australia, Russia and others.

5. THE Commander Ferraz Scientific Base is the Brazilian home in Antarctica. This base was built in 1982 on King George Island – one of the many Antarctic islands. Until today Brazilian researchers use this base to develop their studies and research.

The Antarctic continent is at the planet's south pole. It's an icy mass that doesn't connect to any other continent

6. The temperatures in Antarctica are the lowest on the planet due to some factors. The most important thing is its location on the globe, that is, its latitude. At the southern end of planet Earth, the frozen continent receives the lowest incidence of sunlight and heat.

7. Antarctica is the land of glaciers - large and thick mass of ice formed in successive layers of compacted and recrystallized snow, from various periods, in regions where snow accumulation is greater than that of melting. About 90% of glaciers of the planet are located in Antarctica.

8. Environmentalists around the world are concerned about the melting of Antarctic glaciers. This concern is justified by the phenomenon of global warming. Scientists are apprehensive as glaciers are an important freshwater reserve on the planet. To give you an idea, if we used the water accumulated in the glaciers to supply the planet, it would take 500 years to run out.

9. Antarctica is often breaking its own record for lowest temperatures on the planet. Recent studies have revealed that the frozen continent recorded temperatures of -93°C. No wonder very few people live there.

10. Antarctica, contrary to what many people think, has air humidity very low. In some regions, is as dry or drier than hot deserts. As temperatures are extremely low, there is almost no evaporation and cloud formation and, despite being covered by ice, it is extremely dry.

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