Use of third person possessive pronoun

Possessive pronoun... Of course, the subject we will deal with from now on does not represent something so unprecedented for you, does it? Well, if, by any chance, any doubt persists in hovering around, know that, as the name itself reveals, "possessive" is that pronoun that expresses an idea of ​​possession: mine, mine, yours, your...

But, still talking about the first notions that we must address, whose intention is to learn in a meaningful way, we ask a very important question to you: When faced with a text, with a period, in short, with any and all communication related to the written modality, what is first wait?

We don't know if everyone agrees with us, but the essential factor is defined by the clarity, the precision of the message, otherwise, communication becomes very impaired, do you agree? So, speaking of lack of clarity, you've heard of ambiguity?
Yes, ambiguity. It, in turn, represents one of the main factors that negatively contribute to this lack of clarity, this transparency in the messages we produce, whether related to the oral modality or belonging to the modality writing.

In this sense, we will establish a little more familiarity about the correct usefrom the third person possessive pronoun, because when we do not do this, its misuse causes what we call ambiguity.

Misuse of the possessive pronoun can cause ambiguity

Misuse of the possessive pronoun can cause ambiguity

So, so that we can clearly understand how this fact manifests itself in practical terms, how about analyzing the example below?

As soon as Marcos met Priscilla, he kissed her hand, and they became friends forever.

Let's see if you can decipher which hand was kissed? Was it Priscilla's or Marcos's?

As you could see, this ambiguous sense, this double meaning made us not able to decipher for sure who it is, and that is why a solution immediately appears to resolve this “small” impasse. Do you know which one?

Simple, making use of other pronouns, which are also possessive, represented by him (s), her (s), you, the gentleman, the lady, among other expressions of treatment.

Shall we then rectify the previous example to make it clearer?
As soon as Marcos met Priscilla, he kissed her hand, and they became friends forever.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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