Kidney stones. Causes and symptoms of kidney stones

We know that our Urinary system is formed by two kidneys that have the function of removing substances from the blood that our body does not need or that are in excess.. These substances will form urine.

Urine is yellowish in color and may be darker or lighter. When we drink too little water, our urine turns darker and it's a sign that we're not hydrating well.

People who drink little water can develop kidney stones, which are also called kidney stones. Kidney stones can also appear due to genetic factors or due to excessive consumption of foods that contain salt and proteins.

These calculations can cause a lot of back pain, pain when urinating and, in some cases, blood in the urine. They can usually be eliminated with urine and, in more severe cases, surgery is recommended.

Taking care of kidney health is essential! How about going for a drink of water?

Drinking water can prevent kidney stones

by Vanessa dos Santos
Graduated in Biology

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