O Nervous system Its main function is to control the activities of the body and allow interaction with the external environment, producing responses and interpreting stimuli. It is divided into two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).
The CNS is responsible for developing responses from the stimuli it receives and interprets. It is made up of two parts: the brain and the spinal cord. O brain is the portion found inside the skull and, in an adult, weighs, on average, 1.4 kg.
Mistakenly called the brain by many people, the brain it is formed by different parts that act in the most diverse activities of the body. Check out the main parts of the brain and its functions:
→ Brain: it is the largest and most developed portion of the brain and is related to important activities of the body, such as sense interpretation, memory, reasoning, skeletal muscle control, thinking and speech.
→ Cerebellum: it has a primordial function in the balance of the body. It is what controls our gait and posture. Without this structure, it would be impossible to ride a bicycle and play ball, for example.
→ Hypothalamus: It is related to functions such as temperature control, water balance, blood pressure control, heart rate, sexual behavior and hunger. Despite performing so many important functions, the hypothalamus is about the size of a pea seed.
→ thalamus: Portion found at the base of the brain that is responsible for conducting the stimuli picked up by the sense organs, with the exception of smell, to specific regions of the brain to be processed. In addition to these functions, it is believed that this portion of the brain is also related to awareness and attention.
→ Bridge: Region formed by nerve fibers that connect the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum. It also coordinates body movements such as eye movement.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos