age pyramids represent the population from a certain place through graphics according to the rangeage it's the sex. They are divided into four main types. Its analysis allows us to observe the population dynamics with regard to indicatorssocial such as life expectancy, birth rate (number of children born alive in one year), death rate (number of deaths in one year).
Read too: world population growth
How to analyze an age pyramid?
The age pyramids have a common structure: they are composed of barssuperimposed, featuring base, body and top. At barsinferior, that is, the base and part of the pyramid's body, correspond to the populationyoung. already the barssuperiors, that is, part of the body to the top, correspond to the populationmoreold. The left side of the graph will always be represented by the male population, while the right side will be representing the female population.
Note the age pyramid below:
Analyzing the pyramid of the state of Goiás, it is possible to observe that the top represents the elderly population; the body, the adult population; the base, the young population. O vertical axis corresponds to the age group. already the horizontal axis corresponds to the number of people (in absolute value or as a percentage). Women are always represented on the right and men on the left.
What are age pyramids for?
Age pyramids are important tools for analyzeSocial, allowing to observe the behavior of the population of a given place, how it is organized; what is the life expectancy; the differences between men and women.
It also allows you to reflect on politicspublic focused on health, education, culture, as their analysis also reflects these social sectors through birth rates (related to the base of the pyramid), violence rates (related to the body of the pyramid) and quality of life (related to the top of the pyramid).
Thus, it is possible to understand the demographic evolution over the years, observing the possible declines, expansions or also the stability of the population.
Age pyramids in the state of São Paulo in 2010 and 2060. (Source: IBGE)
The two pyramids represent the population of the state of São Paulo in cutoutsstormsdistinct. The pyramid on the left is a graphical representation of the population in 2010, while the pyramid on the right is a projection of the population of São Paulo for 2060.
In 2010, we can see that the base of the pyramid is morewide when comparing to the projected base for 2060. This indicates that the rateinbirth and possibly the rateinmortalitychildish present decline. It is also possible to see that in 2060 there is a trend towards stability in the adult population. In 2010, the adult population tends to decline as age increases. In relation to the elderly population, in 2010 it is possible to say that life expectancy is lower when compared to the projection for 2060. Indicating improvement in quality of life, as well as in the health sector.
Age pyramids of developed countries
The age pyramid of developed countries is characterized by presenting, mostly, characteristics such as basereduced or decline, bodystable and with gradual rise to the top.
The reduced base means that in these countries there is a tendency towards a reduction in birth rates due to factors such as birth control policies, women's participation in the labor market and urbanization.
O topextended It is related to expectationinlife in these countries, which is high indicating good quality of life, public policies aimed at the health sector. Infant mortality rates have also been low due to better access to healthcare. However, the flared top can also represent spendinghighwithSoftwareinwelfare for the aging population.
O body of the pyramid stable can indicate possible problems in these countries like the lackinhandinconstructions, since the economically active population (population inserted in the labor market) is reduced.
Age pyramids of underdeveloped countries
The age pyramid of underdeveloped countries is defined by presenting, in most cases, characteristics such as baseenlarged,body with reduction in some age groups and topreduced.
THE baseenlarged indicates tallfeesinbirth, as birth control policies are not common in these countries. This also indicates precariousness in the health sector, with inefficient public policies.
The body of the pyramid sometimes demonstrates that, in some age groups, there is population decline. This may indicate highindexesinviolence, mainly, in relation to the male population.
O topreduced indicates lowqualityinlife, consequently low life expectancy. In these countries the lackinaccess to health programs, lack of information, lack of education can lead to the decline of the elderly population.
However, it is valid to say that in recent years these countries have shown improvements with regard to the socioeconomic aspect and can be observed by social indicators such as the HDI (Human Development Index).
Types of age pyramids
young pyramid |
It has a wide base, indicating a high birth rate, and a narrow top, indicating a low life expectancy. Usually, underdeveloped countries have their population represented by this type of pyramid. |
adult pyramid |
It has a base with a tendency to decline, which indicates a decrease in the birth rate. It has a wider body and top, revealing a gradual increase in life expectancy. Generally, it represents developing countries. |
aged pyramid |
It has a narrower base, demonstrating a reduction in birth and fertility rates (estimate of children per woman of childbearing age). It has a broader top, compared to the other pyramids, indicating an increase in life expectancy and a reduction in the mortality rate. In general, it represents developed countries. |
rejuvenated pyramid |
It has widened in the first ranges of the base, indicating an increase in the young population. The top is also wider which shows good quality of life. Developing countries have shown a tendency to this type of pyramid due to the concern with the economically active population and the demand for labor. |
Age pyramid of Brazil
Brazilian age pyramid in 2019. (Source: IBGE)
The age pyramid in Brazil currently indicates reduction of yours base and enlargement of body to the top, compared to the pyramids of previous years. This means that the country has shown more efficiency in the health sectors, in its social public policies, and also an improvement in the economy, which directly affects the quality of life of the Brazilian population.
Read more:Distribution of the Brazilian population
Women are increasingly inserted in the labor market, the accessgivespopulationàhealth programs and contraceptive methods has also influenced the decreaseof thefeesinbirth. The improvement in education and health has reflected in the population's life expectancy, which has shown advances in recent years. However, the country still faces weaknesses related to social aspects. Effective public policies, better study and work opportunities are still needed in the country.