Sustainability. The importance of sustainability

Whenever we hear the expression around sustainability, we see your name associated with a greater awareness of the different ways to preserve the environment, right? But what exactly does this expression mean? What is it for?

Sustainability it is the idea of ​​using nature to meet society's needs without compromising future generations, so that they too can use natural means. Therefore, we have to preserve the environment to guarantee its existence for the next generations so that they do the same.

Therefore, people and society in general need to develop and put into practice ideas to carry out the development of society in a way that does not harm nature. It is for this reason that the term “sustainability” is also called sustainable development, that is, maintain the preservation of the economy without affecting the natural resources.

Therefore, they would be examples of sustainable actions: stop the logging, planting new trees or reforesting deforested areas, conserving rivers and other water courses, adopting measures to reduce the need for new natural resources (such as reducing consumption and recycling), not polluting the air, among countless others measures.

Thus, for a sustainable society to truly exist, it is necessary the action of everyone, both the government in the preparation of strict laws for the environment and proper supervision of institutions to conserve resources natural. Furthermore, all of us citizens also have this mission. Thus, we must plant trees, save water, reduce excessive consumption, produce less waste, recycle and so on.

Recycling and preserving natural resources is very important for sustainability

The promotion of sustainability in the world has been a challenge, as not all countries are, in practical terms, willing to promote the conservation of the environment, as this would imply reducing certain actions, such as polluting industrial production, among others. On the other hand, it is important that everyone understands the idea that sustainable development does not mean growing less economically, but making the economy grow with environmental responsibility.

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

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