Definition of Indolent (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Indolent is an adjective or noun of two genders in the Portuguese language, used to qualify something or someone who does not have the ability to feel physical pain.

This term is also quite common as a synonym for who it is. insensitive, lazy, sloppy or negligent.

Etymologically, the term indolent originated from the Latin indolentis, which means “insensitive to pain”.

A person is described as indolent when they show insensitivity to their tasks or goals, not dedicating themselves to what they do.

Example: "The indolence of Brazilians makes the government remain corrupt”.

Among some of the main synonyms for indolent, stand out: apathetic, sloppy, painless, insensitive, lazy, drowsy, lazy, sleepy, idle and tardy.

human indolence

It is the characteristic of some human beings of not showing apathy or importance regarding certain situations themselves or experienced by other people.

an indolent human being is devoid of morals, as it acts with indifference and detachment from other individuals or situations.

lazy and insolent

Even though they are very similar words, indolent and insolent have different meanings and must be used in different contexts.

An insolent individual is one who behaves disrespectfully, who is rude and says insults to other people.

Insolence is a pejorative quality as it indicates reckless, inconvenient, and petulant behavior.

See also the meaning of negligent.

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