Latest Meanings (196)

meaning of pride

Ufanismo is the exaggerated pride of something, commonly used in Brazil to refer to excessive patriotism, that is, a great pride that a given individual has in his country, homeland and nation. THE...

Definition of Sharia

Sharia is a set of Islamic laws that are based on the Qur'an, and responsible for dictating the rules of behavior for Muslims. In Arabic, sharia can be literally translated as “the way...

meaning of nobleman

Hidalgo is a member of the nobility or someone with noble gestures. The word arose from the contraction of the expression "filho d'algo", used in the region of Portugal and Spain at the time of the courts. A "son of something", and...

Commitment Meaning

A commitment is an agreement between two parties that something will be accomplished. A courtship is considered a commitment, a marriage too. When it is said that the person is "committed" it is because this...

meaning of skillful

Skillful is an adjective common to both genders and corresponds to the property of that or that which does a certain thing well. "She is a skilled carpenter", meaning that she is skilled in dealing with the...

Meaning of Assertive

Assertive is an adjective relating to the quality of something that is affirmative, positive and right, such as a behavior or action, for example. An assertive person, according to behavioral psychology, consists...

Definition of Isonomy

Isonomy is the principle that all people are governed by the same rules, the condition of equality. As a legal principle, it is equality between all citizens, regardless of class or...

Definition of Dura lex sed lex

Dura lex sed lex is a Latin expression, which translated into Portuguese means “the law is hard, but it is the law”. The meaning of this expression is related to the idea that, however...

Definition of Reversal

Chargeback means the action of returning an improperly charged amount, such as a credit card chargeback or a bank chargeback. For example, a credit card chargeback occurs when a...

Definition of Prerogative

A prerogative is the advantage of some people for belonging to a certain group. As the lawyer's prerogative, which corresponds to specific rights for lawyers, that other people do not...

Definition of Sisyphus Work

Sisyphus' work is a popular expression originated from Greek mythology, referring to any type of work or situation that is endless and useless. The contemporary meaning of this sentence...

meaning of basketball

Basketball is a team sport that can also be called basketball. The name in Portuguese comes from the English basketball, where basket means basket and ball is ball. The literal translation of basketball...

meaning of eagerly

Eagerly is the mode of what is or is anxious. Waiting anxiously means that the individual is restless waiting for what will happen, and it can represent both a feeling of anguish and of...

meaning of Confucianism

Confucianism is a Chinese ethical, philosophical and religious system, founded by Confucius. It was China's official doctrine for over two thousand years, until the beginning of the 20th century. There are no churches or...

meaning of honesty

Honesty is the word that indicates the quality of being truthful: don't lie, don't cheat, don't cheat. As for the etymology, the word honesty comes from the Latin honos, which refers to dignity and...

Latest Meanings (21)

ABNT Standards for Academic WorkThe Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT, among ot...

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Latest Meanings (22)

Definition of AllowanceAllowance represents a benefit intended for a person or entity that has ac...

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Latest Meanings (23)

70 qualities and defects of a personAll people have positive and negative characteristics, which ...

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