Latest Meanings (161)

Meaning of Reframe

To reframe is a transitive verb that characterizes the action of attributing a new meaning to something or someone. It is related to the process of reframing, a method of neurolinguistics that...

meaning of Souvenir

Souvenir (souvenir) is a masculine noun used to characterize traditional or characteristic items that represent the culture and customs of a place. Usually, souvenirs are...

Definition of Setback

Retrogression is a term used to characterize the act or process of going back, back, back to the same path that was taken. The term is related to the process of moving backwards or...

Definition of PCC

PCC stands for First Command of the Capital, a Brazilian criminal faction that commands several illicit acts such as assaults, kidnappings, murders, drug trafficking and riots in the prisons...

Definition of Golden

Aurea is the feminine noun or adjective for aureus that describes a thing made of gold, gilded, that shines or shines. In a figurative sense, aura represents something magnificent, valuable, brilliant...

Definition of Doctor

Doctor is a masculine noun used to characterize a person promoted to the highest degree. academic holder, after defending a thesis in an artistic, scientific or literary...

meaning of sporadically

Sporadically it is an adverb that refers to what happens a few times, rarely or randomly over a long period of time. Example: "I go to the theater sporadically". In the example above, the word...

meaning of lobby

Lobby is a word of English origin that means “anteroom” or “hall”, in the literal translation into Portuguese. However, this term is commonly used to designate a group of...

Definition of Lobbyist

A lobbyist is a person who practices political lobbying, that is, who manipulates negotiations in the instances of the powers of the public sphere for their own benefit and that of their allies, or even to harm...

meaning of pagan

Pagan is any person or thing that is not related to baptism from the point of view of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but who follows and adopts rituals from polytheistic religions. The pagan person is that...

Meaning of Using Alliance

Wearing a wedding ring means a commitment made to the person you love. This custom had its origin in Europe, however initially, only the woman used it, and later, the tradition also passed to the...

Definition of XOXO

XOXO is English slang and means "hugs and kisses", which is translated to "beijos and hugs" in Portuguese. It is often used to close informal messages, exchanged mainly between...

Definition of Epigenetics

Epigenetics consists of the modifications of genetic functions that are inherited, but which in turn do not alter an individual's DNA sequence. In short, it represents the non-genetic variations that...

Meaning of positive law

Positive law consists of the set of all rules and laws that govern social life and institutions in a given place and for a certain period of time. The Federal Constitution is an example of...

Definition of natural law

Natural law is the universal idea of ​​justice. It is the set of norms and rights that are already incorporated into man, such as the right to life. It can be understood as the principles of law and it is...

Popular Meanings (302)

meaning of dungeonDungeon is the name given to prisons located underground, mainly of ancient cas...

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Popular Meanings (303)

Types of cultureCulture is a set of particularities that characterize a group of people, a family...

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Latest Meanings (303)

Definition of IntrinsicIntrinsic is a masculine adjective that means intimate, internal, inherent...

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