homo sapiens sapiens is the name used to designate the human subspecies that characterizes modern man.
A subspecies is a classification or subdivision within a species. In this case the homo sapiens sapiens is the name given to the human species. the meaning of homo sapiens sapienss is “man who knows what he knows”. It makes reference to its most striking feature: the developed brain.

Emergence and evolution
This subspecies appeared approximately 200 thousand years ago in the eastern region of Africa. It's an evolution of homo ergaster, which is a subspecies of homo erectus, emerged nearly 2 million years ago.
Physically it is the most evolved of all the species that have ever existed, mainly due to brain development. The developed brain allowed the evolution of the ability to learn and think (cognition) and the execution of activities that guarantee the survival of the species.
This brain development gave rise to the evolution of reasoning and speech capacity, that is, it was responsible for the development of human intelligence.
Another feature of the evolution of homo sapiens sapiens it was learning to produce their own food, which led to the emergence and evolution of agriculture and societies.
O homo sapiens sapiens he also developed the ability to live together in society, which was a consequence of the evolution of language and communication.
From these events, throughout history, the homo sapiens sapiens it changed and evolved its way of life, it created habits and traditions, which were later called culture.
The term homo sapiens sapiens is used by biology, specifically by taxonomy, an area that studies and classifies all animals and plants. The taxonomy identifies the homo sapiens sapiens as the most evolved species of hominid primates or the homo sapiens. That is, it is a subspecies of homo sapiens.
This subspecies is classified as follows:
- Kingdom animalia
- Phylum chordata,
- subphile vertebrata,
- Class mammalia,
- Order ape,
- Suborder anthropoid,
- Gender homo,
- Species homo sapiens,
- Subspecies homo sapiens sapiens.
Features of the homo sapiens sapiens
The members of this subspecies have as main characteristics:
- human anatomy (body shape),
- well-developed brain, it was found that the brain evolved physically, having increased in size,
- thinking ability and logical reasoning that allows the execution of skills that are called human behavior,
- more erect posture, which ensures greater and better mobility of the body,
- ability to do manual activities,
- decrease in the amount of hair on the body.
See also the meanings of homo sapiens it's from taxonomy.