Meaning of Magnetism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Magnetism is a force that exerts a power of attraction or repulsion between certain goals, such as magnets and ferromagnetic materials, for example.

According to the laws of physics, the phenomenon of magnetism acts through dipoles (divergent magnetic forces), called "north pole" and "south pole" or "magnetic dipoles". Magnets, for example, have two poles where magnetism manifests itself with greater intensity.

Learn more about meaning of magnets.

In this sense, the so-called law of magnetic force prevails, indicating that poles of the same nature repel each other, while different poles attract.

The poles of the magnets are also inseparable, that is, even breaking the magnet in half and “separating” the north and south poles, each new piece of the magnet will originate new opposite polarities.

Learn more about the meaning of Physics.


It consists of the branch of study related to Electricity that relates electrical and magnetic phenomena. The interaction between these phenomena gives rise to the so-called “electromagnetic field”.

See also the meaning of Electricity.

terrestrial magnetism

Planet Earth has a magnetic field around it that protects it from the intense charge of electromagnetic radiation emanating from the sun.

But, contrary to what many people think, the Earth's magnetic south pole is located at the North Pole geographic, while the magnetic north pole is close to the geographic south pole (region of Antarctica).

Scientists believe that the Earth's magnetic field was built up thanks to the constant electrical currents circulating within it.

personal magnetism

It consists in the idea of ​​an individual having qualities that make other people like to be in his company.

Characteristics such as sympathy, trust, friendship, consideration and respect are essential for a person to be able to develop a “personal magnetism”.

This is also usually a philosophical concept commonly explored and disseminated by the doctrine of Spiritism. In this case, personal magnetism would still be responsible for influencing the psychic energies of the environment and people.

As with the law of magnetic force, spiritists believe that people with "energetic charges" of the same nature tend to unite, while divergent energies separate.

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