Hyperbole: what is it, uses, examples, exercises

THE hyperbole is figure of speech present when, when telling something, we use expressions of overkill on purpose, to give more emphasis to our speech. Have you ever used hyperbole when telling a story?

Read too: Euphemism - figure of thought that softens the meaning of the statement


  • Hyperbole is a figure of speech, being more specifically a figure of thought.

  • It is used when there is an exaggeration of an expression to emphasize a feature.

  • The hyperbole exaggeration is noticeable. Therefore, hyperbole does not use the literal sense of words, but the figurative sense.

What is hyperbole?

the hyperbole is a figure of speech, that is, it is a construction that we use to give effects to the speech. Within figures of speech, hyperbole is classified as thought figure, which are those that give greater emphasis to ideas through the meaning of words and expressions. Often, we don't use the literal sense (that is, the real sense) of the words, but their figurative meaning. But how does hyperbole affect our speech?

use of hyperbole

Hyperbole occurs when we use exaggerated words or expressions to convey an idea with more emphasis. When you tell a story and you need to make the intensity of some feature explicit, you can use hyperbole.

Remember that hyperbole exaggeration is noticeable, that is, it is possible to see that an exaggeration is being used and that it does not correspond to reality. Let's look at some very common examples of hyperbole?

Read too: Metaphor — figure of speech used to make comparisons implicitly

examples of hyperbole

"The food took so long that I even starved to death!"

There is hyperbole in the exaggeration when it is said that hunger took a person's life.

"I run faster than a car!"

There is hyperbole in exaggeration when it is said that a person's speed is greater than that of a car.

"He's been getting ready for a year and it's not ready..."

There is hyperbole in the exaggeration when it is said that the person spent a year just getting ready.

"That house was bigger than a building!"

There is hyperbole in the exaggeration that a house could be bigger than an entire building.

"Stop yelling! They're even listening to you from across the country!"

There is hyperbole in the exaggeration that the person can be heard as far away as the other end of the country.

"He can't spend a minute away from his mother."

There is hyperbole in the exaggeration when it is said that the person cannot spend even a minute away from the mother.

Video lesson on thought figures

Solved Exercises on Hyperbole

question 1

Check the alternative that contains a hyperbola.

a) They laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt!

b) Why are you so exaggerated?

c) I was imagining a thousand things that day...

d) It will rain a lot this week.


Alternative C. The expression “imagining a thousand things” is hyperbole: there is an exaggeration when it is said that a thousand things were imagined. In fact, the person meant that he imagined a lot of things, but he used hyperbole to emphasize that idea.

question 2

Tick ​​the alternative that no contains a hyperbola.

a) Everyone loves this series!

b) We haven't seen each other for many months!

c) I can hear you from miles away!

d) We have a million things to tell!


Alternative B is the only one where there is no evidence of hyperbole, as two people can actually go many months without seeing each other; therefore, in this case, the literal sense was used.

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