Meaning of Absence (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Absence is a noun in Portuguese referring to action of removing and removing someone or something from a certain place or situation.

Absence is the condition that an individual presents when he does not attend a place or occasion where he was expected.

Example:"The teacher noticed the absence of students during the morning".

The act of going away can be interpreted, in some situations, as a great rudeness. Therefore, it is often common to ask permission or an apology before or after leaving a certain place or situation.

Absence in Civil Law

According to the Brazilian Civil Code, an individual can be declared absent when he disappears from his home permanent, without leaving representatives or giving news about your whereabouts, making you doubt the continuity of your existence.

O article 22 of the Civil Code legislation reads as follows:

"If a person disappears from your domicile without notice, if you have not left a representative or attorney to whom administer his assets, the judge, at the request of any interested party or the Public Prosecutor's Office, will declare his absence, and appoint him curator."

In this logic, according to the law, people with a degree of descent closest to the absent person will be appointed as his guardians, controlling and representing all his assets.

Learn more about the meaning of Civil right.

Synonyms of absence

  • removal
  • no-show
  • Disappearance
  • apartation
  • Distancing
  • Disappearance
  • disappearance
  • Absenteeism
  • grace period
  • Scarcity
  • Lack
  • Abstraction
  • Alienation.

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