Meaning of MMA (What it is, Concept and Definition)

MMA is the acronym for Mixed Martial Arts, or in Portuguese, "Mixed Martial Arts". MMA are martial arts that include standup strikes and ground fighting techniques.

Mixed martial arts can be practiced as a contact sport on a regular basis or in tournaments, where two competitors try to beat each other.

MMA uses a wide range of permitted techniques, such as blows using fists, feet, elbows, knees, as well as immobilization techniques such as throws and levers.

An example of an organization that promotes mixed martial arts tournaments is the UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Learn more about the meaning of UFC.

For many people, martial arts and MMA are the same thing, but not everyone has full contact.

MMA is a fighting modality in which players practically do not necessarily need to follow a specific fighting style, hence the name Mixed Martial Arts.

This sport allows the practitioner to use any blow, any martial art, such as boxing, jiu-jitsu, karate, judo, muay thai, among others.

One of the top MMA fighters in Brazil is Anderson Silva, also known as “

spider”, former UFC middleweight champion.

See too what is krav magá.

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