Meaning of Too Much (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Too much is an adjective that qualifies what is above or is higher than what is considered normal. It consists of something that is exaggerated or is in excess.

When the word is used too much, as a rule, the idea of ​​a certain thing that has gone beyond the limits is transmitted, that is, it has surpassed what is considered normal or habitual.

The word too much can also be classified as an adverb, giving the meaning of exaggeration and excess to the subject of the prayer.

Example: "The student was too happy for the grade he received".

Etymologically, the word too originated in the Portuguese language from Spanish too much.

Synonyms of too much

Some of the main synonyms for too much are:

  • Much;
  • Excessive;
  • Exaggerated;
  • Unmeasured;
  • Too much;
  • Exorbitant;
  • Lush;
  • Hyperbolic;
  • Unnecessary;
  • Dispensable;
  • Needless;
  • Quite;
  • Abusive.

On the other hand, some of the main antonyms of too much are: controlled; little; restrained; succinct; reasonable; mild; serene; and mild.

See also the meaning of Exaggerated, Exorbitant and Too much.

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