Meaning of Inzoneiro (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Inzoner is a masculine adjective and noun in the Portuguese language and means affected, entangler, intriguing, gossip and sly.

An inzonian person is a person known to provoke intrigue, who is a liar and deceitful person.

As for the spelling, it is also correct to write "enzoneiro". Inzoneiro is a person who makes inzonas for children, that is, lies and causes intrigues with and among children. In addition to meaning deception and intrigue, an insomniac can also designate a toy that is used to deceive children.

Many people believe that the term inzoneiro is related to the word onzeneiro or onzenário, which designates a profession in which an individual lent money and charged 11% interest to the people he lent money to. An onzeneiro was a kind of moneylender, a profession that was not well regarded in the eyes of the majority. This perhaps explains the derogatory meaning of the word inzoneiro.

Inzonian mulatto

The word inzoneiro is also linked to one of the most famous Brazilian songs in MPB. In the song "Aquarela do Brasil", composed by Ary Barroso, you can hear: Brasil, meu Brasil Brasileiro / Meu mulatto inzoneiro. This is a reference to the miscegenation that characterizes Brazil.

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