Brexit: meaning, how it happened and reasons for leaving

Brexit is the abbreviation for Britain Exit, an English expression that means “British Exit”, in the literal translation into Portuguese. This term refers to UK exit from the European Union (EU) on January 31, 2020.

The United Kingdom (United Kingdom or UK, in English) consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

To effect the Brexit, the UK must pay around 30 billion pounds to the European Union. The negotiated value is part of the Withdrawal Agreement, finalized by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. With the confirmation of the Brexit, the United Kingdom goes down in history as the first member state to leave the European Union.

How did the Brexit?

The decision on the UK's exit from the European economic bloc came through a popular consultation, a referendum held on June 23, 2016.

The result of the referendum

With 51.9% of the votes, the majority of British citizens chose to support the Brexit, against 48.1% who wanted the State to remain in the European Union.

Among citizens of countries that were the United Kingdom, opinions were also divided. While the majority of voters in England and Wales voted

in favor of the exit from the United Kingdom, most of the citizens of Scotland and Northern Ireland demonstrated against the output of the EU.

What happened after the referendum?

After approval of the Brexit, the United Kingdom and the European Union went through a period of negotiations to determine how the exit would take place and what the necessary measures would be, which are part of the Withdrawal Agreement.

The first date set for confirmation of the Brexit it was March 29, 2019. As the exit negotiations took a long time to advance, due to difficulties in obtaining approval in Parliament, the date was sometimes extended until the definitive exit in January 2020.

Transition period

As of January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom and the European Union are going through a transition period, so that the agreed measures are implemented. The transition ends on December 31, 2020.

One of the main points of the agreement concerns the granting of visas, residence and work permits to British citizens living in EU states. The same is true for citizens of other European Union countries who live and work in the UK.

Economic issues will also be tested in the transition period, such as trade relations, importing products and applying tariffs. The economic relations between the UK and EU countries are one of the most delicate points in the Brexit and in the months of transition, new agreements will have to be tried.

What happens after the transition period?

There are still issues that will be addressed during the transition and only at the end of this period will the results be known. The possibility of new trade agreements concluded between the UK and the European Union is the main issue.

Agreements on safety standards, data sharing and regulation of the circulation of food products and medicines are also pending negotiation.

Why did the UK leave the European Union?

The main speech of the defenders of the Brexit it is the idea of ​​traditional nationalism, supported by anti-immigration ideals.

Economic motivations also influenced the population's decision and many British people showed discontent with the economic measures adopted by the Bloc.

Added to this, there are indications that most British citizens were never effectively supportive of the presence of the United Kingdom as a member of the European Union.

Can the UK go back to the European Union?

For the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon was invoked, which provides that any EU member state is free to leave the economic bloc voluntarily and unilateral.

However, in the future, if it decides to rejoin the EU, the UK will have to make a new application to join the European Council. After deliberation and unanimous vote by the Parliament, the State can rejoin the economic bloc.

See also the meanings of European Union it's from economic blocks.

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